wonderful search terms


Fellow bloggers list their search terms from time to time. Stop; Wander often puts up a list, and David Rochester’ recent all-time best term has spurred me to publish some of mine. Over the last few months people have arrived from Google via ….

The Good

  • the fates
  • asian insults
  • bacon poisoning
  • cheese
  • equation humor
  • teacher marries china blog (you don’t marry China, China marries you)
  • chinese profanities
  • sadistic asian
  • i may be a little out of the loop too (aren’t we all)
  • kraft dinner pros and cons (there are no cons. KD is all pros)
  • i hate hong kong (me too)
  • small love test
  • fear of umbrellas
  • asian towel holders (is this a person, place or thing?)
  • old asian king on horse (never seen one. an old asian queen though…)
  • bruce lee

The Bad

  • working girls
  • my hot teacher (I really hope this wasn’t my students)
  • jackie chan mistress (not me)
  • cold shower
  • golden showers
  • thailand golden showers
  • asien golden shower

The Ugly (and strange)

  • feet
  • big feet
  • asian feet
  • asian elevator grope
  • asian over knee socks gallery
  • girls with big feet
  • ugly stockings
  • woman shoes off
  • asian woman who wear stockings
  • photos of my wife wearing stockings (my wife does not wear stockings)
  • naked feet women
  • asian cannibalism photo,picture

Yes, Asian Ramblings is a foot fetish blog masquerading as a China Travel blog. There, I’ve said it. I won’t lie any more. It’s a ingenious plan on my part. To what end? I haven’t the slightest.

Robin is the unofficial queen of foot fetishists. I wonder if her list is as interesting as this? I’m not even going to optimize this post for SEO. It will be our little secret, okay?

postscript: As I was writing this there was a hit from Google Images using the term “Big Feet.”

image from: Cindy and Jamie’s Wedding Day

27 Comments Add yours

  1. Uh … “asian cannibalism picture” is on the “good” list?

    Dude. I’m so glad you’re on the other side of the world. *backing slowly away from the screen*

  2. Ah…now I understand why “this post has no title” according to my browser. Thanks for the link-love the other day. πŸ™‚

    Kathleen McDades last blog post..Ebbing and Flowing and (Bi)Cycling

  3. Stevo says:

    Baron: Edited. Thank you for pointing that out. I’m not into cannibalism, much.

    Kathleen: No problem. Thanks for visiting.

  4. Jackie says:

    I think my site is turned to “off” as far as allowing Google to search it, so I never get found with any interesting search terms…

    I think “Jackie Chan mistress” may have been my fault.

  5. Jackie says:

    Well, my fault because of my name, and your computer’s fault, for being your “mistress.”

  6. Stevo says:

    Jackie: Turn on Google, i’d love to see the terms you get.

  7. I should totally do this. Except that mine are pretty boring. A lot of people looking for Michelle Obama’s dress side.

  8. Stevo says:

    Wanda: You haven’t gotten any hits from “Orlando Bloom is gay” as I keep mentioning in you comments?

  9. Robin says:

    lol! It’s nice to be the queen (unofficial or not) of something. I give all the credit to the woman that does such fantastic pedicures. πŸ˜‰

    It may be time for me to go through my search engine terms and do a post about ’em.

    I wondered about “bacon poisoning” being one of the good, but then looked at the bad and ugly.

    Robins last blog post..Skywatch Friday

  10. Shawn W says:

    Dang it, everyone else’s are good! Mine are boring or heartbreaking.

  11. Stevo says:

    Robin: I look forward to your list.

    Shawn: Do you really want a list like mine?

  12. Those are really tame compared to what I get (over a hundred times a day). I can’t publish them, they’re that bad.

    RT Cunninghams last blog post..Parallel Worlds: Where is Jack Hunter?

  13. Anybody, EVERYBODY, gets more interesting search terms than I do. *sigh*

    I need bacon.

  14. Ray says:

    Wow, your’s are slightly more racy than mine! I think I may have to post about this though, my search list always makes me smile!

  15. Stevo says:

    RT: I’d like to see your list πŸ™‚

    LFC: I need bacon too.

    Ray: I always like seeing lists of search terms.

  16. Ray says:

    Via the magic of the internet, you can now see my search terms. And you get credited for it πŸ˜‰

    By the way, there’s an update to CommentLuv which may interest you.

    Rays last blog post..Assignment One

  17. Corina says:

    Mine are pretty boring. The “water bed questions” are pretty consistent. Someone out there is looking for info on water beds, every day! I’ll have to do something about this. Hhhhmmmmm. Perhaps interesting tags will accompany my posts some day soon.

    Corinas last blog post..The Nana Diaries–Part One

  18. Audrey says:

    A great idea! This list set my day off on the right note. “Fear of umbrellas” made me wonder…and I won’t touch the topic of golden showers…

    I never knew so many people were searching for sex in Almaty and Kazakhstan until looking at our search terms. It’s always amusing to browse through google analytics.

    Audreys last blog post..Demystifying Food in China: Hot Pot Fever

  19. Theresa says:

    These were fun to read. You always have to wonder what people were thinking (or aiming for) when they put in those exact search terms and what they thought when they ended up on your page as a result.

    Theresas last blog post..A Farewell in Photos to D.C.

  20. Ray: Thanks, I updated.

    Corina: People still sleep on waterbeds? Wow.

    Audrey: Amazing, isn’t it. People are looking for sex everywhere.

    Theresa: Ha. I often wonder that myself.

  21. Robin says:

    Saw your response to Corina and just wanted to say: It’s true, Stevo. There really are people who sleep on waterbeds. I do. πŸ™‚

    Robins last blog post..Autumn reflections (II): A SkyWatch Friday post

  22. Anners Scribonia says:

    “ugly stockings” πŸ™‚

  23. ybonesy says:

    Hilarious! Somehow I missed this. Don’t Asian women have small feet relative to other women’s feet? Also, asian elevator grope? Sounds like a kind of move.

    I love these posts.

    ybonesys last blog post..The Goddess Inside My Heart

  24. Norhafidz says:

    ugly stockings?..haha, that’s weird! πŸ™‚

    Norhafidzs last blog post..Make Money Blogging – Is It Possible?

  25. louie jerome says:

    My search are very boring in comparison with everyone else’s.

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