watching the working man



There are two things in China you see a lot of: Umbrellas and Watermelons. What luck, both in one image! While watermelons are seasonal, umbrellas are a year-round obsession. If it’s not monsoon rains, it’s the searing sun and the evil tan that accompanies it. Little known fact: The umbrella was invented in China. Stay tuned for my post on umbrella-related blindness.

9 Comments Add yours

  1. Robin says:

    I love the colors in this photo, particularly the reds and the way they pop out.

    Umbrella related-blindness? I can think of a few reasons why that might happen, but I’ll wait for your post.

  2. Sherri says:

    What a wonderful picture! My husband also endured torrential rain while in China and spoke of the big ole mucky, muddy mess it created mostly because it shut down production often, but only after it soaked the monster suits which further delayed things. Poor monsters… they never get a break, do they?

  3. amuirin says:

    I’m just, you know, gonna sit here till you explain umbrella-related blindness. Don’t keep us hangin’.

  4. OmbudsBen says:

    Umbrella-related blindness?

    I’m with the rest. Do tell.

  5. amuirin says:

    still sitting here

    and my ass is getting tired.

  6. I apologize on Stevo’s behalf. He is suffering from what we in the medical community call: A Bitch of a Headache. He is weeping at present and unable to type.

  7. bibliomom says:

    I love that red dress. I want that red dress!

    Steveo I hope you are feeling better and would you please find out where I can get that red dress!

  8. amuirin says:


    get better.

    *sets up tent, orders provisions*

  9. Jackie says:

    If we Arizonans were smart (which we’re not), we’d carry umbrellas, too.

    Did you get poked in the eye with one of those pointy things on the end of the umbrella? Did this contribute to A Bitch of a Headache?

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