I’ve made some great friends on these old intertubes. A lot of people use the internet as means of distraction or entertainment. I use it to connect to a life I’ve nearly forgotten. Lately, instead of looking westward I’ve turned my attention closer to home.
I recently met (virtually) some cool new China bloggers. Like me, they are “teaching the English.” Living in China is not easy for a temporary resident. It’s not especially easy for a seasoned expat. I generally steer clear of the pissing and moaning common to China’s expat blogging community. My blood pressure is high enough without angry rants.
I digress, as I often do. I’ll get off my soapbox.
Expatriate Games (a wicked name for a blog, I might add, being a fan of the book the name is taken from) is a fantastic photo blog. EG, as I kindly call him, shoots fantastic portraits and scenes from life in China. I wish I was so skilled. Check out his flickr stream.
A China newb, Graham Woodring, blogs at An American in the Far East. He hasn’t been in the Middle Kingdom for long, and I look forward to his thoughts as he experiences a different culture and life. I hope his search for milk is successful.
Go west, it was once said. Josh at Far West China, blogs from The Middle Kingdom’s western frontier, Xinjiang Province. Josh mixes news and photographs from western China and recently won the 2008 Best China Blog award.
Most foreign residents in China love shopping: Haggling in the market, searching for the ultimate (and often campy) bargain. There are many global devotees of online auction house ebay. Few know about China’s own ebay-like site: Taobao. Yes, it’s all in Chinese, which makes navigation difficult, but Taobao kicks proverbial butt.
One enterprising soul has created the Tao Bao Field Guide, featuring interesting (and wacky) products for sale on the Chinese auction house. More importantly, The Tao Bao Field Guide offers step-by-step instructions on registering an account, searching for items, and starting your online shopping spree — All in English. I no longer have to bother my coworkers.
The good things about new friends, regardless of real-life or vitual status, is they soon become old friends.
I love meeting new virtual friends, but you’re right the comfort of an old friend is tops.
Shawn´s last blog post..I’m Not Going To Do, What You Think I’m Going To Do
It’s an honor to be listed here, Stevo. I just wish Xinjiang wasn’t so darn far away. Makes it nearly impossible to turn “virtual” friends into “real-life” friends!
Josh´s last blog post..Xinjiang’s Best Food: Samsa 烤包子
Shawn: The top of the tops.
Josh: Maybe one day. I really want to visit Xinjiang. A former colleague is from Xinjiang (her mother too, she is my masseuse).
I love making virtual friends, too.
And I’m going to be in China in June– hope we can meet in person!
Julie´s last blog post..East Side Story/La Historia del Este
HEY! Why didn’t you tell me you had put this up? Thanks buddy for the recognition and kind words. It’s funny really, how we can make “friends” via the internet and find so much in common. I have had the good fortune to meet up with so many folks in person, I am sure we’ll get together someday soon as well.
That’s a cool composition on the photo here Stevo.
Expatriate Games´s last blog post..The China Photographer Interview Series – Mark Hobbs
Julie: Please let me know when and where you will be. It would be trippy to meet up.
EG: Thanks. I hope we get to meet soon too.
Stevo´s last blog post..Flickering devotions on once-seized land