Learning your first useful words in Chinese


Tsingdao Beer:A taste of China

The people that come to teach English in China may have learned a little Mandarin before arriving in The Middle Kingdom. That usually goes out the window: The classroom and the street are vastly different environs.

Ni Hao, they will say (Hello). Or perhaps, Xie Xie (Thank you).  Other than those two key expressions, new people teaching English in China find themselves lost in a linguistic maze. The local accent, the rapid-fire delivery, lead to confusion, bewilderment, and more often than not, fright.

There is one phrase all new ESL teachers learn: Something key to their survival in the high-pressure, crazy, dog-eat-dog world of teaching English overseas:


Beer. That’s right. Before many learn to say (in Chinese) “My name is Bob, I’m an English teacher,” they learn to say: Pijiu. The scholars may learn to say: Liang ping pijiu (two bottles of beer).

As they learn the magic word they also learn to forget the polite customs of their homelands. A wave at a waitress might result in a wave back, or a smile. Softly calling, “Xiao Jie,” (miss) will not get cold bottles of pijiu to your table. Chinese restaurants at meal times can be a controlled riot. You must be loud to be heard over the din of other diners, the kitchen, and the honking horns outside.

Politeness is forgotten as quickly as pijiu is assimilated into the linguistic psyche. The wave or cleared throat is replaced with the bellowed, “Pijiu,” the English teacher holding an empty bottle over their head like a trophy that is be both feared and admired. Even if the waitress doesn’t understand the pronunciation of pijiu, the dead soldier is a visual cue.

That cultural hurdle overcome, new people teaching English in China can learn more useful Chinese phrases like: How much is this?

Photo: Me and my new Strobist gear.

5 Comments Add yours

  1. quickroute says:

    What would we do without beer? It restores world order and keeps the masses from running riot!

    quickroute´s last blog post..East VS West – Cultural Differences

  2. Shawn says:

    LOL. The first thing I learned in Japanese was “Excuse me.” The second was “Bathroom?”

    Remind me sometime to tell you about when I accidentally hired someone to paint our rent house.

    Shawn´s last blog post..Because Angela Is Temporarily Out of Ideas

  3. Stevo says:

    QR: Truer words were never spoken.

    Shawn: Hehe. I’d like to hear that story…

    Stevo´s last blog post..Learning your first useful words in Chinese

  4. Corina says:

    I’m so glad I’ve only traveled to where I can put my hand up and call out “mas cerveza, por favor” or “dos equis”! Perhaps one day I’ll get to use my French or my Italian.

    Corina´s last blog post..Transitions

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