I’ve been trying to take shots of scooters and bicycles from my “sniper’s nest” at local coffee joint, MoMo Bar. I usually get too busy chatting or drinking coffee (or milk tea) to capture anything memorable.
Many people remember the old images of China: Thousands of people of bicycles. It’s not like that anymore. Bikes and scooters are still popular, but that old images should be sepia toned.
Five people are the most I have seen on a scooter. What about your other Asia-based expats? China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Thailand: What’s the largest number of people you have seen riding a scooter?
5?! That’s pretty amazing. I’ve seen 4 at most.
And as a side comment, I get so scared watching people ride those collapsible bikes like the one in the pic above. I can barely believe it holds one person, much less 3. I’d crush that bike in a heartbeat.
Nice shot.
Josh´s last blog post..Travel to Xinjiang’s Four "Great Lakes"
Bokeh plug-in? Nice capture, I like it…
It’s not Asia but I could’ve sworn I saw at least a family of 5 on 1 scooter in Trinidad, Bolivia. Then again, I was drinking and it could’ve been the other way around or involved cats… 😉
R(etc… )
Ron in L.A.´s last blog post..Church at Saquewa – Laguna Saquewa, Bolivia
Ron: No Bokeh, just PS, and a little Exposure. One person on five scooters? Or cats? What the hell were you drinking?
Stevo´s last blog post..Flickering devotions on once-seized land
Josh: I’m hoping for 6, but that’s like winning the lottery. I’ve never tried the foldaway bikes. Are they that rickety?
I’ve seen 6 on a scooter and it was in my own neighborhood. One male adult and 5 kids. Amazing.
RT Cunningham´s last blog post..When Microwave Ovens with Keypads Die
I’ve seen five (adults)more than once here in Liuzhou. I have yet to have the camera. I do have a shot of 4 on a motorcycle somewhere. This is a reminder for me as to how used to it I have become. I no longer even look for that shot!
Expatriate Games´s last blog post..Reflections From The Heart
wow, 4 or 5 people on a single bike. You guys are so lucky! I have yet to see more than 2 people on a bike. How humdrum of me. However, I have a bad habit of completely zoning out when I walk down the street. My best friend could walk right by me and I wouldn’t even notice. I’ll try to pay more attention and keep my eyes peeled for a crowd on a single bike.
Stevo, we were rained in for several days and the town was gearing up for major protests. Anyway, one of my great finds was that the bartender at our hotel (all 6 rooms of it) had a gift for making the perfect Manhattans…
I saw a lot of interesting things in that town, good thing I brought along a camera… 😉
R(etc… )
Ron in L.A.´s last blog post..Catching The Queen (Mary) From Behind…
RT: That I would like to see.
Michael: Funny how we become immune.
Graham: You have to pay attention, you’ll miss much if you don’t. hehe.
Ron: That’s a bartender I’d like to meet. That’s much better than being stuck at an airport or train station.
I’ve seen 2 adults, 3 kids and 1 baby. The baby was in the mothers arms, so technically not sitting on the scooter.
Craig Ferguson´s last blog post..Disputed Lands – The Case of Preah Vihear
Craig: That’s six. Wow. That beats Ron’s 5 people and/or cats.
Stevo´s last blog post..Canadian Heroes in China: John Robert Osborn, VC
Looks like there’s room on that one for a couple more.
Shawn´s last blog post..Woo Hoo!
Shawn: Maybe four, if properly placed.
Stevo´s last blog post..Canadian Heroes in China: John Robert Osborn, VC
*Turning up my nose” oh, you guys should just come to India and see the bikes and the buses and the trains..my oh my..We stick ’em with glue here to keep em from falling off.
LOL, I saw a photo of a bus in India. There were people riding on the sides and on top!
Shawn´s last blog post..Herstory
Oh my, this is a great one, stevo. Love the little boy facing backwards. And what strikes me most is how normal this is. I do believe Chinese parents (and parents in other countries) have enormous faith that all will be fine. Me? I’d be freaking out that I’d lose the little one on a turn somewhere.
ybonesy´s last blog post..Postcard From Billy Collins — Kicking Off National Poetry Month
Shawn: Yes, not a country I’d want to ride a bus or train in. China is bad enough for personal space.
yb: Me too. Did you see things like this in Vietnam?
It seems like a fun and cheaper way of getting around.
mike´s last blog post..Canada – facts 1