the cat is out of the bag (almost), and a contest

the cat is out of the bag

Remember I said The Stevos’ have a secret?

No, I’m not gay. (Sorry Grandma, I know you want to march in the Pride Parade.)

No, my wife is not really a man as some have speculated.

No, I’m not a cyborg, although that might be cool. An English-teaching version of Robocop?

Stevo has lost his fat belly? Well, that’s not really a secret.

What’s the secret? Why has The Stevo lowered himself to posting a photo of a cat on his blog? (What did cat lovers do before the internet?)

Wait and see.

Better yet, enter and see.

That’s right,   we are holding a contest. If you can guess The Stevos’ secret you’ll be a winner. Well, you’re already a winner in my eyes for reading this post. After all, there is a photograph of a cat.

What will I win, you ask.

The person that first correctly guesses The Stevos’ secret will win their own domain name installed with WordPress and hosting for one year *. That’s right, free!

I’ll post clues over the next two weeks. Email your guesses whenever you like. Enter early and enter often.

* Some restrictions apply.

Photo by: thedepartmentofme

17 Comments Add yours

  1. Ron in L.A. says:


    Judging by the photo I’d say the cat is still in the bag…

    R(etc… )

  2. You’re getting a cat and naming it after me! (I’m going to keep guessing that till it’s right.)

    the little fluffy cats last blog post..I Don’t Like. . .

  3. Stevo says:

    Ron: Metaphorically, the cat is almost out of the bag.

    Fluffy: Nice try, but no. Sorry, thank you, and come again.

  4. truce says:

    Answer 1) you have whiskers

    Answer 2) you’re having a baby

    Answer 3) China just banned plastic bags, so now food comes in paper ones, as illustrated

    I’ll be back…

    truces last blog post..Cicero, eat your heart out.

  5. Nomadic Matt says:

    Finkel is Einhorn!!!!!

    Nomadic Matts last blog post..Solo Travel

  6. Robin says:

    I’m in shock. There’s a cat photo on your blog! What’s the world coming to??

    Robins last blog post..Torrey Pines (Part 1)

  7. ybonesy says:

    OK, you said to email the guess, but because I’m lazy I’m going to guess in Comments. You’re moving back to the US to start a new cat-cheezeburger blog.

    ybonesys last blog post..WRITING TOPIC – BAND-AIDS® & OTHER 1920’s INVENTIONS

  8. 1) What if more than one person guesses the right answer?

    2) What if I win and I already have my own domain name? I’ll take a box of chocolates instead if you want.

    3) Do guesses have to be e-mailed or can we post them here?

    4) Truce took one of my guesses (see question 1).

    Wanda Rizzutos last blog post..Anners Has A New Video On YouTube!

  9. Jackie says:

    You two are moving back to Canada.

    You’re adopting a kid.

    You’re adopting Canada.

    You’re adopting a Canadian kid.

    You’re adopting a Canadian cat.

    You’re adopting fluffy.

  10. Stevo says:

    Truce: Answer 3 made me spit out my coffee. Well done. Alas, none of your answers are correct.

    Matt: Exactly.

    Robin: The apocalypse, obviously.

    ybones: Cheezburger was making $5 Gs a month. I could do worse. But, wrong.

    Wanda: 1) First correct answer wins. 2) Okay. 3) Either, Or, Both. 4) If that was the correct answer Truce would be the winner.

    Jax: 1) No 2) No 3) No 4) No 5) No 6) No

  11. Shawn W says:

    Stevo is getting promoted and will be teaching Jr High?

    Shawn Ws last blog post..A New Baby

  12. Stevo says:

    Shawn: That’s not a promotion. That’s a punishment. Sorry, try again. 🙂

  13. amuirin says:

    New digs?

    Another latent cat-blogger… tsk, tsk. The insidious cat-blogging underground is clearly winning.

    amuirins last blog post..Artist of the Portrait

  14. marianne says:

    You’re going to announce to the world our illicit love affair?

    You’re getting a new cat?

    You’re getting a new bag?

    You’re buying a house?

    mariannes last blog post..Revision

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