Overseas Chinese Town (OCT) in Shenzhen, China has opened a location in the east of the mega-city. Near the beach and deep in the mountains, the tea-themed holiday park offers visitors a number of interesting escapes from the daily grind.
The daily gala show at OTC East, on the history of tea and tea zen, is something to behold. Grand costumes, dancing, and a giant multi-media screen make the trek across the city worthwhile.
Captured: October 23, 2008, OCT East, Shenzhen, China.
That does look interesting! Very nice picture, too.
Corinas last blog post..Works For Me
Intriguing shot! Love the vibrant colors and patterns
Lolas last blog post..More Photos from Saturday
Love those muted colors… 😉
R(etc… )
Ron in L.A.s last blog post..Book ‘em again
Wait, you guys have a tea themed theme park??
Jackies last blog post..A Scenario That Would Have Made David Ill
Corina: Thanks!
Lola: Me too.
Ron: LOL!
Jackie: Strange world, ain’t it?
I love the color and movement in it!
The dancers seem very young.
Shawn Ws last blog post..My Choice
Is that a bare behind in the upper right?!
Shawn Ws last blog post..My Choice
Shawn: Not bare, covered in leotard.
Stevo | China Travels last blog post..star ferry at night
I’m holding out for a roast beef-themed park.
Jackie´s last blog post..Oh Brave New World
Yes, a steak theme park would suit me fine.
Stevo | China´s last blog post..star ferry at night
Wonderful colors.
I’d love to visit a tea-themed park. I’m a big fan of tea (and probably drink far too much of it).
Robin´s last blog post..Nature’s funeral month
Someway, somehow I will drop the phrase ‘tea zen’ into every conversation I have for the next week or so.
mercury727´s last blog post..urbanicity
Robin: I like tea, but unfortunately, drinking more than a cup or two makes me quite ill. A theme park, of me, is better than drinking it.
m727: That’s a must. You’ll be admired by all.
Stevo | China Travel´s last blog post..Interview: Joel Carillet, Travel Photographer Extraordinaire