Taiwan Travel: Longshan Temple


I spent a few days in Taiwan, more business than pleasure. I managed to get in a little Taiwan travel and met long-time amigos Carrie from My Several Worlds and Craig, majordomo of Craig Ferguson Images.

Carrie, for those of you that read her amazing blog (and you should), is as you would imagine. In a word: Wonderful. The most surprising thing about Craig was his shock of hair – as red as the fires of hell (thank you Simpson’s writers from that great simile). It was fun to finally meet two people who I greatly admire and who inspire me.

I had one free morning and was able to wander the city. I did what I like to do most: Visit temples.

In the space of two hours I visited four temples. The Longshan Temple in Taipei was the tastiest. There was a service in progress – men and women chanting in a place of worship built in 1738.  I stood and soaked up the sights and sounds – then back to my room. Next time I may spend more time looking at Taiwan Hotels before booking.

I hope to get back to Taiwan – it was too short a trip and there is so much to see and do.

9 Comments Add yours

  1. David says:

    That’s a great pic – a Taiwanese friend of mine told me that she felt Taiwan was more Japanese than Chinese (due to colonial influences) and in a sense you can kind of feel that from your photo – those dresses the old ladies are wearing almost look like Kimono’s. I could be complete wrong though…!

    I wish I had managed to visit Longshan Temple while I was there. Perhaps we should arrange a photo expedition to Taiwan? So close to HK…
    .-= David´s last blog ..Is Foxconn Skynet? =-.

    1. Stevo says:

      Sounds good, David.

  2. Carrie says:

    Beautiful photo, Steve! It was so great to meet you. I wish we’d had more time to show you around, but I’m happy with the time we did have.
    .-= Carrie´s last blog ..My Several Worlds Listed in Top 100 Travel Blogs =-.

    1. Stevo says:

      Me too, Carrie. It was great!

  3. jessiev says:

    very cool!!! YAY!
    .-= jessiev´s last blog ..Sand, Sea and Super Shopping in Southport =-.

    1. Stevo says:

      Thanks, Jessie.

  4. Fantastic photo – I really need to find my way to Asia one day. Great blog.
    .-= Darren Cronian´s last blog ..Minoan Palace of Knossos =-.

  5. aldam23 says:

    nice post. i really admire Chinese/Taiwanese culture, especially the religious side of it.
    .-= aldam23´s last blog ..Paete Town Fiesta =-.

  6. Slava says:

    I really wish there was an outside photo of the temple. Many of the Asian religious buildings are really beautiful.
    .-= Slava´s last blog ..Cycling tours in Germany =-.

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