a big wind a’blowin

China’s State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters said on Tuesday night it has launched a level-three disaster control emergency response to cope with tropical storm Kammuri.

no school: typhoons and email

Typhoon Fengshen rolled through Shenzhen yesterday. School was canceled city-wide, officials anticipating damage from the killer storm. Dorm students were confined to their quarters, many not pleased. Six to a room and a raging typhoon do not happy campers make. Typhoon Fengshen, named by China and meaning God of Wind, left a swath of destruction…

airports, bad moods, muppets, and students

It had been a bad day for Stevo. At 12:15 he stood outside the airport, unsure where the bus from Hong Kong would drop off the arriving teacher. Verbally assaulted by touts, pointed at by the unenlightened, tired, and nearly out of cigarettes, he stood alone under a street light, much like his loner-hero Phillip…