Images of a Chinese ESL School Halloween Party
Tag: School
Squinting through the sweat or sun. Camp 2007.
airports, bad moods, muppets, and students
It had been a bad day for Stevo. At 12:15 he stood outside the airport, unsure where the bus from Hong Kong would drop off the arriving teacher. Verbally assaulted by touts, pointed at by the unenlightened, tired, and nearly out of cigarettes, he stood alone under a street light, much like his loner-hero Phillip…
no golden showers for moi
An internet amigo wrote some months ago about wanting a golden shower. No, it’s not what you’re thinking. His golden shower was in fact a shower stall made of gold, not the practice some may be familiar with. I’m a simple man, materialistically and intellect-wise. While a shower made of gold would be pretty I…
too-cool rick and a once cold-hearted stevo
Many moons ago, I was a cold-hearted bastard. I once believed children should be seen and not heard. I shared the sentiment present in Victorian England. The noise, the utter chaos caused by the little beasts, used to drive me to the brink of insanity. During my university summers I worked at a children’s summer…
stevo speaks, and faces his fears
I hate giving speeches. Standing on stage before a few hundred people doesn’t fill me with happiness. I loath public speaking, much like the way a grammar Nazi hates the misuse of your and you’re. As Director of Foreign Teachers (grand title) of the 14-day camp, it fell to me to say a few words…
ESL Summer Camp: I got served
It may look like an act of ritualistic suicide with a plastic scimitar, but it’s not, it’s English Summer Camp in China
after dark
One of the good things about being at school after dark is a chance to shoot some interesting night scenes. This is far from perfect. It’s slightly out of focus, and the light bleeds around the tree in the upper right. That said, I kind of like it. It could be far worse. The Great…
China ESL Photo: Old mac stevo had a farm …
For some reason the Grade 2 boys decided to change their names mid-way through the year. Ned became Tim. The joys of teaching English in China…
intense reflection
Do we have a special bond with another if we name them? I’m not talking about family pets. Goldie the goldfish doesn’t qualify. I named 18 Grade 1 students this year. It was a considerable chore. Relatives, and friends from high school, now have chinese youngsters bearing their names. Kiki was named after an absent…