Guilin Tower: A tale of photo lighting

Reconnaissance is important, any military-type or pre-sale shopper will agree. Photographically onquering the Guilin tower was no different. On my summer trip to Guilin I did a little scouting before snapping away. On a map, on my cheap hostel bed, I plotted what I wanted to shoot, and then went for a little walk. A…


Stop taking my picture.


He is a legend in the classroom. A hackneyed description: Drill sergeant with a heart of gold. He says little and does his job without complaint, a professional with noble intentions. His heart is not upon his sleeve, but visible in each project he undertakes. The quiet confidence inspires me, he taught me without his…


A reenactment of the Transformers movie, sans robot suits, during the summer camp talents show. Oh, to be young.


The horse lay dying on the railroad tracks; a train was racing towards it. A valiant PLA soldier tried to coax the animal away, but it refused. If the train hit the horse, he feared, there would be a massive accident and many lives lost. The train sped towards them. He looked from the horse…

watching the working man

There are two things in China you see a lot of: Umbrellas and Watermelons. What luck, both in one image! While watermelons are seasonal, umbrellas are a year-round obsession. If it’s not monsoon rains, it’s the searing sun and the evil tan that accompanies it. Little known fact: The umbrella was invented in China. Stay…

in progress

My sister-in-law, Crystal. A little something I’m playing with. I’ve pushed this down so my new addy can stay on top. Too cool.