a slight break in the rain

There was a short break in the never-ending rain this week (above). Like all good things, it didn’t last. Last Friday the storm set a record, dumping more rain in one day than any in the last 50 years. The road outside my school flooded, denying access to the buses that ferry the students home…

rainy days

It has been raining, for the most part, for three solid weeks. Every weekend, for as long as I can remember, has been shrouded in grey clouds and foul weather. The Dragon Boat Festival three day holiday saw me house-bound. While walking in the rain is considered romantic, it does get old. Fast. I had…

tombs and wire

The hills around the China / New Territories Hong Kong border are covered in tombs. Much of the area is inaccessible, except on foot. The departed wanted to be buried in their homeland, China, but that practice was not permitted. They were interred by their loved ones as close as physically possible:On the green hills,…

better than reality TV

Outside my window. I’d rather watch this than Survivor, or the evil and vacant Tyra Banks on ANTM. big brother is another story. Captured: May 2, 2008, Shenzhen, China

in bloom

After a winter that featured the longest, coldest stretch of winter weather in decades, spring has arrived in China. Okay, it wasn’t Winnipeg cold, but every space heater in southern China was sold during late January. After a few weeks of wondering if I had mistakenly been transported to Canada, the weather improved. Now the…

photos of dante’s chinese gridlock

I spent an hour and a half sitting in the back of a taxi Saturday afternoon. It wasn’t by choice. The entire trip should have taken 30 minutes. I found myself mired a mile from home, watching the meter click over every three minutes, adding more jiao to my fare. Why? Three lanes of traffic…