I once read that Stephen King could publish his shopping list and people would buy it. What did I buy at a supermarket in China earlier this week?
Tag: humor
the chinese subway sprint: a should-be olympic event
World records are obtained in the subway sprint, gold medals in gladiatorial combat, all for a seat on a metal bench.
an evil weekend
The constant rain, that had me wondering how to build an ark, has passed. The sky over Shenzhen is now a bright seasonal blue and full of fluffy clouds. There is that evil ball of flame some call the sun, it’s only purpose to burn me to a crisp, to contend with. Better that than…
friday night profanities
I considered my stock Chinese insults: All involve the driver’s sister, mother, or grandmother, and a foreign resident of China and part of his anatomy.
ocular fluid and thirsty umbrellas
Yes, I have a fear of umbrellas. Don’t you?
conversing with a tout
tout (tout) v., tout·ed, tout·ing, touts. v.intr. To solicit customers, votes, or patronage, especially in a brazen way. To obtain and deal in information on racehorses. v.tr. To solicit or importune: street vendors who were touting pedestrians. Chiefly British. To obtain or sell information on (a racehorse or stable) for the guidance of bettors. To…
Blue Mountain “bog roll”
On the kitchen counter was a Ziploc bag of real Blue Mountain coffee, a gift (or bribe) from a co-worker that had committed a minor transgression.