
We are all waiting for something: For riches, enlightenment …

an evil weekend

The constant rain, that had me wondering how to build an ark, has passed. The sky over Shenzhen is now a bright seasonal blue and full of fluffy clouds. There is that evil ball of flame some call the sun, it’s only purpose to burn me to a crisp, to contend with. Better that than…

may day, doctors, desks, and randy chefs

It’s nearly May 1st. In my part of the world that means it is International Labor Day. I wrote a post about this holiday a year ago. Take a look if you dare. Labor Day used to constitute a 5-day holiday in China, three days being official and two optional to encourage tourism. It was…

A Silly Holiday Rant

Chocolate Parfait Day, New Homeowner’s Day, Plant A Flower Day? Yes, Mother’s Day and some extremely silly holidays take place in May.