a big wind a’blowin

China’s State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters said on Tuesday night it has launched a level-three disaster control emergency response to cope with tropical storm Kammuri.

an evil weekend

The constant rain, that had me wondering how to build an ark, has passed. The sky over Shenzhen is now a bright seasonal blue and full of fluffy clouds. There is that evil ball of flame some call the sun, it’s only purpose to burn me to a crisp, to contend with. Better that than…

no more plastic bags

That right, as of June 1, China has banned plastic shopping bags. Well, not banned. They’re still available, but now you have to pay for them. From the CBC: China’s State Council said the ban will start June 1. Firms that continue to sell, make and distribute bags thicker than 0.025 mm thick will be…