Are we ever really lost?
We know roughly where we are, be it a city, region or country. We are on the earth, from that point of view we’re not lost at all. We have a place within the cosmos. I have been lost, literally and figuratively. Much of my time is now spent trying to get lost.
But you just asked if we’re ever really lost?
Who’s that? Shut up. Don’t interrupt.
As long as I know which way is north and I have a rudimentary map I can find what I’m looking for. Eventually. Knowing the compass points is key. When I first arrived at my digs in China I was confused. I had no idea where north was. It was good my faith (or total lack there of) didn’t involve facing Mecca. After discovering north, navigating my new world became easier.
New world? Are you Columbus? North? Oliver North?
Shut up.
I was lost, really lost, only once. On a cold, rainy October afternoon some friends and I went hiking. After reaching our destination, the remains of an old uranium mine, we started back. One friend decided on a short cut. His error in judgment led to hours of walking in the rain, wading through beaver ponds, and generally being miserable. It wasn’t a bad place to be lost, it was bordered on four sides by roads and the area was about 18 square kilometers. We would have been found before DNA was needed to identify our remains.
I learned lessons that day. Most involved stupidity, listening to others, and always carrying a compass. None of those have translated into my urban, Chinese, existence.
I stray from the path. A straight line between Point A and B is boring. There are too many alleys to explore along the way. I’m never really lost, I know what city I’m in and my approximate location on a map. I’ll never have to worry about resorting to cannibalism if lost in China as I would in the Canadian wilds. Many varieties of street food are widely available.
If I hadn’t had strayed from the path I never would have found Nui Xiang (translated: cow path) and the mailbox covered wall (above). Getting lost has advantages.
Getting lost is great, getting lost should be the first rule of travel…
I love this photo. Definitely worth getting lost for.
I loved the writing here…
And the photo, an urban rainbow.
This was beautiful. I’ve been lost so many times but I’ve never seen mailboxes like that!
I agree with David B. Getting lost makes the trip so much more interesting (and generally gets one off the beaten path).
And look at the treasure you came back with: A great photo.
I’ve never really minded getting lost. I generally have enough sense of direction to get myself un-lost. And, as you say, that’s when you really find things.
Love the mailboxes!
Once in Japan we got lost hiking and wound up looking at Tokyo from a mountain top. It was beautiful.
.-= Shawn´s last blog ..The Wedding Dress =-.
Lost is sometimes good.
LOVE those mailboxes. i am glad you get lost, from time to time. i hardly ever get lost (genetic, my dad doesn’t either) and sometimes i have to FORCE myself to get off the path and look around. you know?
.-= jessiev´s last blog ..Hidden Treasures: The Bridges of Asia =-.
My sense of direction is usually really good. But sometimes…
I love this picture. Each mailbox is unique, like its owner, I’m sure.
You’re so right about knowing the compass points. I try to figure it out quickly when I get to a new place but sometimes I’m gone before I ever figured it out.
.-= Corina´s last blog ..Assorted Thoughts =-.
I think I should buy a compass. My life would be easier at times.
I like to be lost….i try to get lost when I arrive in cities. helps you learn the layout
.-= Nomadic Matt´s last blog ..Leaving for Europe =-.
i’ll give you a great ‘getting lost’ reccomendation in your own neighborhood. I was biking once at fangshan mt. park, and somehow I ended up following the wrong ridge lines home. I ended up at this weird creek where there appeared to be an illegal butcher shop, guarded by fierce guard dogs. Further down the mountain, I encountered a homeless encampment where the tarp was made from the banner that had announced a Shenzhen Electronics Show the year before. Eventually, the switchbacks filtered out into Oriental English College, and I easily found my way back. Therefore, I suggest you go my route, and simply keep a relatively good sense of direction on hand; its never failed me; it even once saved mine and my father’s lives when we wandered into the dockside aquaslums in Ho Chi Minh City….
never lost only ever geographically confused.
Taking a different route is one of life’s pleasures.
.-= uphilldowndale´s last blog ..Summer Grazing =-.