Stevo and Asian models in Shanghai


What, you were expecting baby pictures?

There will be lots of those – as soon as Baby Stevo learns to stay awake for more 10 minutes at a stretch, and can keep her beautiful blue eyes open.

My month of traveling is almost up – I look forward to being home-bound for a month or so.

What can I say about Shanghai?

  • It’s hot.
  • The staff at the restaurant we are frequenting are loud, rude, and slow.
  • There may be some sort of ghost in my hotel room – I’m having dreams that can only be described as “freaky.”
  • Did I mention it’s hot?

The above photo was taken of a beautiful Asian model at the Interphoto Shanghai show. I’ll keep shooting or another 2.5 days.

7 Comments Add yours

  1. Robin says:

    Beautiful shot, Stevo.

    But yes, I’d was expecting and would like to see baby pictures. 🙂
    .-= Robin´s last blog ..Pond Reflections =-.

  2. Nomadic Matt says:

    I was expecting pictures of models!
    .-= Nomadic Matt´s last blog ..Chasing Ghosts =-.

  3. aim54x says:

    Great shot Steve….

    Loud, rude and slow…sounds like the service at some places in Australia

  4. Very delicate work.
    I love the hint of the model, although obviously I would like to see more of her 🙂

    Long time since my last visit, always fun to come back 🙂
    .-= Ilan (@ilanbr)´s last blog ..Marriage =-.

  5. CJ Stan says:

    Nice shot
    yes, it is so hot these days
    .-= CJ Stan´s last blog ..Walkin’ @ Wu Xian Du Square =-.

  6. I wasnt expecting baby pictures just some actual photos of models from Shanghai.

  7. vira says:

    and where are the Shanghai photos?

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