Shopping in China: A passing grade for Stevo

Buying ugly shirts in China is really easy.

I bought some new duds for my new role as a … I don’t think I have a title at my new job. Mrs. Stevo gave me instructions before I went to the market. No XL-sized shirts. As I’ve lost weight she thought I could wear something a little less tent-like.

And nothing ugly.

Ugly is a pretty relative term. I won’t argue the fact that I do buy ugly shirts: In fact, the ugliest shirts I can find. Anyone who has visited China (no, not Beijing or Shanghai, and certainly not Hong Kong) will know that foreigners tend to be stared at. I figure I will give the staring public something to see, and possibly blind them, with an assortment of garish plaids and neon monstrosities. I use Asian Fashion to my advantage.

Aside: the day before I was wed my bride-to-be and we were taken to a restaurant in Hunan Province. The town boasts (occasionally) one foreign English teacher. We walked into the upscale eatery and the room went completely silent. It was like something from a movie. Every eye was focused on me. I think I was wearing an orange and yellow striped shirt. No, no one to the best of my knowledge, went blind.

Nothing ugly, she said.

Mrs. Stevo’s wardrobe has improved greatly since I first met her. Back in the heady dating days of 2005 she was festooned with lace and sequins. Her color combination were both frightening and interesting. Slowly, with a gentle nudge or two (and several pounds of severed sequins lodged inside the washing machine) she started to wear clothes I would call “classy.” I place the love of sequins at the feet of the Chinese education system. After 12 years of school uniforms you might be up for wearing a sequin or two.

Question: Did I buy anything ugly? Did you disobey the Hunanese fireball?

Unfortunately, no. A pink short-sleeve shirt, and golf shirts, purple and black (they say Polo and even have the little logo, but I don’t think they are strictly kosher). The Lee navy-blue trousers (knock-offs) have a size 34 waist. I haven’t worn something so small since my pre-fat days (before 2002). They are a little tight, not in the waist. I could be an extra on Queer as Folk if needed.

As soon as she returned from work Mrs. Stevo inspected my purchases. All passed muster, except the pink shirt – it was too faded and looked old. A passing grade for me.

I will sneak back to the market and buy something incredibly ugly. It’s a must.

14 Comments Add yours

  1. Ron in L.A. says:

    Buy an ugly tie, you’ll feel good and never have to wear it… 😉

    R(etc… )
    .-= Ron in L.A.´s last blog ..Devil’s Gate Dam, The JPL and The Station Fire =-.

    1. Stevo says:

      I would wear it, Ron. One of the simple pleasure of China, that an bed-head being completely acceptable.

  2. Yeah, I would have said no on the pink one, too! 🙂
    .-= Kathleen McDade´s last blog ..Walkable Communities and Your Health =-.

    1. Stevo says:

      Kill-joy McDade, that’s her name.

  3. Pink!!! What were you thinking? 🙂
    .-= Craig Ferguson (@cfimages)´s last blog ..September Desktop Calendar =-.

    1. Stevo says:

      You got no sense of style, Craig. Pink rocks.

  4. Norm says:

    Ah, keep the pink shirt. It looks comfy…. and they say it takes a real man to wear pink.

    I had the same reaction walking into a restaurant in rural New Mexico once. Complete silence and every head turned. Spooky when you don’t fit with the locals version of ‘normal’.
    .-= Norm´s last blog ..Stormy Weather =-.

    1. Stevo says:

      It’s does take a real man to wear pink, Norm. I am real man biologically, not sure about mentally. Thanks for your note, I keep forgetting to reply.

      I have similar reactions in Northern Canada, but nothing as profound as China. Your experience does sound spooky.

  5. Robin says:

    I like the pink shirt.

    Besides, it’s no fun being normal.
    .-= Robin´s last blog ..The piggy flies =-.

    1. Stevo says:

      I am anything but normal, Robin. hehe.

  6. Shawn says:

    I’d bet, with your skin tone, you look great in pink.
    .-= Shawn´s last blog ..The Wedding Dress =-.

    1. Stevo says:

      Thanks, Shawn. I’m partial to black, but like to liven things up.

  7. Allison says:

    Quite a switch from the jacket and tie you wore in your first ‘post journalism school’ interview. I still have that pic if you’d like to have it :o)

    1. Stevo says:

      Allison: Yes I would, but I’m scared to look at it.

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