No, I won’t tell you what it is: It’s a secret.
No, the world cannot expect a little Stevo any time soon. Have you seen The Omen (the original or remake)? A wee Stevo would make Damien Thorne look like a harbinger of goodwill. I’d be happy with a xiao gou (puppy), but Mrs. Stevo feels we should pass on our genes. Not a bad idea: My good looks, Mrs. Stevo’s beauty and innate goodness…
Wanna know the secret? Stay tuned. Signed up for RSS email updates in the right sidebar (brought to you by Feedburner!)
What kinda shite is that? What’s the secret?
It’s good shite, baby! Stay tuned!
He’s getting a kitten! *bounces* You can name it after me, Stevo! I give permission!
the little fluffy cats last blog post..Some Mornings There Is No Other Way
Nay, LFC, no kitten for the Stevo’s. My experience with the civet cat in my kitchen was enough to turn me temporarily off of felines in our domicile.
You’re a tease.
amuirins last blog post..Run of the mill blabber
Thank you, amuirin, I will take that as a compliment.
Jackies last blog post..Book Glut Leads To Reading Rut
Damn it! Jax guessed it.
Excuse me but could we all speak English here please, hmm? What exactly is a widdle bunny wunny? Or shouldn’t I ask? And could I also have one, please?
Robins last blog post..Steel Pier
AJ: I will send you one, if I can correctly translate Jackie-speak.
Robin: I am. And proud.
I have enough dang rabbits, so don’t send me any.
And give with the secret already!
Shawn Ws last blog post..How Do You Thank A Soldier?
Shawn: I will not let the (little fluffy) cat out of the bag.
You’re such a damn tease.
Now give me my bunny-wunny.
Jax: No bunny for you. Yet…
All I can say is that the suspense is NOT killing me!
Corinas last blog post..Indy 500