Another shot from the China P&E held in Beijng in May. I hate sequins. When I am king they will be banned.
I’m hoping for more shots of pretty models at the Interphoto & Digital Imaging Show in Shanghai from July 2-5. If you’re in Shanghai stop by the Everbright Convention & Exhibition Center and look for me at the Phottix booth, or more likely, near the pretty models.
I was wondering when the next self portrait was coming… like this a lot better… 😉
R(etc… )
.-= Ron in L.A.´s last blog ..Threading The Needle – Venice Beach, California =-.
You never know, Ron. Maybe it is a self-portrait.
Wow. Asian Barbie.
.-= Corina´s last blog ..The Explosion =-.
Are you sure this girl isn’t the victim of a Tribble infestation on her head? Look, there’s two of them. They’re multiplying already! Run for your life! Run!
.-= Graham´s last blog ..Going for a (Hash) Run =-.
Great shot, stevo. Awesome hair! Will the mrs. be fixing hers like this anytime soon? 8)
.-= ybonesy´s last blog ..The Ant & The Peony =-.
Corina: Hehe.
Graham: They could be tribbles, I never thought of that….
yb: I hope not.
.-= Stevo´s last blog ..Chinese Food: SPAM =-.