4 Comments Add yours

  1. Robin says:

    I’ve been sitting and looking at this for a while. It invokes a profound sense of peace in a contradictory way that I’m not sure I can explain. I’ll give it a try…

    The contrasts between the expressions on the statues is interesting. The gold one in the back looks almost smug (a “know it all”). The black statue in the front has a joyous kind of smug look (“I don’t know it all, but I’ve found the path, and I’m willing to keep searching”).


    Robin’s last blog post..Through a frosted lens

  2. cfimages says:

    Great composition.

    cfimages’s last blog post..Tour de Taiwan 2008

  3. Corina says:

    Wonderful shot of a culture different from what most of us know. I like the variation in colors and I see what Robin’s point is, too. Very astute observation.

    I would love to know who the statues are and what they are for (what they represent). Is the praying statue, perhaps, praying to the one behind which is, perhaps a goddess?

    Corina’s last blog post..A Friend Died…

  4. Bibliomom says:

    Hey I’m coming to that side of the world in September!

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