I spent an hour and a half sitting in the back of a taxi Saturday afternoon. It wasn’t by choice. The entire trip should have taken 30 minutes. I found myself mired a mile from home, watching the meter click over every three minutes, adding more jiao to my fare. Why? Three lanes of traffic had been reduced to one. There were no warning signs for motorists, just a traffic snarl akin to the gridlocks found in one of Dante’s circles of hell (if a modern version was written).
I did what any photographer would do: Pulled out my axe and tried to amuse myself. Shooting photos from the back of a taxi isn’t easy. What did I see?
A granddaughter does her grandmother’s hair, oblivious, as the traffic inches by.
A grandmother and young charge sit, lost in thought, by the road side.
A truck passenger decided to kick off his shoes and relax. Good thing, we were there a while.
A cool thing about WordPress 2.5 is the Gallery feature. All the thumbnails below are auto-generated and clickable. Very cool.
Good stuff Stevo.
I like doing this kind of thing too…
Ron in L.A.’s last blog post..Colorful Buildings Over Green Water – Freeport, Bahamas
What a good use of your time! I love the still life photos!
Sue’s last blog post..What I Say When Nobody is Listening
I love your current header, BTW.
This is far more productive than anything I do when stuck in traffic.
Baron von Rochester’s last blog post..Observation about the Last Post, Plus How the Hell Did That Happen?
Love the photos!
I spent several years in Japan, and traffic there was murder too. The only way to get anywhere fast was by train.
Shawn W’s last blog post..Let Me Up!
Great way to spend your time.
cfimages’s last blog post..Yangmingshan National Park
Why didn’t you get out of the cab?
Markuza’s last blog post..Superman Turns Three
You got some great stuff out of that gridlock. Well done on a great use of time. 🙂
Robin’s last blog post..California bound
I love your photographs. I think we may have a similar interest in capturing those unguarded moments. I love how these moments are so mysterious, yet still tell you so much. Ya know?
LazyBuddhist’s last blog post..What is this thing you call “dancing”?