China, Photos, Shenzhen Shenzhen Photo: Partners Posted by Stevo on September 25, 2009 Mates for life. We could learn from fowl. Shenzhen, PRC, October 17, 2007. There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness. Friedrich Nietzsche Share this:TwitterFacebookMoreLinkedInReddit
Lovely photo and great quote, Stevo.
Nice one, Steve. That’s probably one of the better quotes on love, reason, and madness that I’ve read in a good long while.
Beautiful photo of an aptly paired duo. The quote is one to save too. (All I’m left to wonder is why related posts listed “balls”.)
.-= donna c.´s last blog ..San Diego: Food Expo at the Convention Center =-.
Very nice, Stevo..but I am wondering about the related post too 🙂
Some of the maddest people I know are all reason and little or no love.
.-= Norm´s last blog ..It’s FRIDAY =-.
I came here to say the photo is lovely but found that the quote is equally great ! 🙂
.-= Nisha´s last blog ..Le Café =-.
That’d be a good life alright – although you could end up on a dinner plate double quick time 😉
.-= Quickroute´s last blog ..Stinky, Filthy, Smelly, Nasty, Sweaty, Irish, Paddy =-.
Adorable. Good reminder of why we are so quacky.
.-= ybonesy´s last blog ..Bearing Witness =-.
Love the simple beauty of this one.
.-= Shawn´s last blog ..I Will Praise Him In This Storm =-.