I mentioned the gala Tea-themed stage show at OCT East – the grounds of the Shenzhen-based themed park are no less impressive. The ducks in the pond area that surrounds the replica European village are amusing the watch. Ducks have always been my favorite, although in China they seem to be, more often than not, on my plate.
Captured: October 23, 2008.
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They both look Orange, which one is Peking?
R(etc… )
Ron in L.A.s last blog post..Feeding The Pigeons – La Paz, Bolivia
Let them fatten up before they end up on your plate. This pair doesn’t look like they’d be too filling! 😉
Corina´s last blog post..Smile
Ron: shenme?
Corina: I hope the theme park doesn’t eat them. That is possible, though.
Stevo | China´s last blog post..star ferry at night
They’re very pretty, and they don’t look too worried about becoming dinner.
Shawn W´s last blog post..The Least Among Us
Lovely pair of love birds!
Quickroute´s last blog post..Paddy Declares WAR
Very pretty.
Robin´s last blog post..Nature’s funeral month