The British built Lei Yue fort to protect the eastern approach to Victoria Harbour, from the French and Russian navies. The fort is now a Museum.
Must Try Xinjiang Food
Pollo, Samsa, Lagman, Big Plate Chicken? Xinjiang food is actually a cuisine created from a melting pot of different ethnic groups.
Chinese sunrise: A new day, A new start
For anyone who follows me on twitter you know as of June 30, 2009 at 10:19 am (GMT +8) I joined the ranks of the unemployed.
Teaching Abroad: They’re still standing close to me
Teaching English in China is difficult in more ways than one. My popularity with the preteen girl crowd waxed and waned this past term, to my chagrin.
Chinese food you never want to eat
There’s food in China that visitors consider strange. Rabbit heads, chicken’s feet, civet cat, organ meat: This is something you don’t want to try.
Morning Deliveries
The multitude of small markets in my neighborhood in Shenzhen, China, receive their fresh vegetables and assorted other edibles each day.
Chinese Food: SPAM
My life, teaching English in China: What do you do on a Saturday night when your friends abandon you? Eat SPAM and drink Super Light beer.
Pretty model, Big Hair
I’m hoping for more shots of pretty models at the Interphoto & Digital Imaging Show in Shanghai. Stop by if you’re in town July 2-5.
Teaching and Living in China: More Random Thoughts
Teaching English in China can lead to some situations that drive you to the brink of insanity. That’s not to say I don’t like China, the opposite.
The muse is dead: Long live exhaustion
Exhaustion, my friends, has killed my muse. Okay, maybe not killed her, just placed her in a semi-conscious state. Writer’s block, shooter’s block…