China will celebrate National Day, or Guoqingjie, October 1. China turns 60.
Shenzhen Photo: Partners
There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness.
Friedrich Nietzsche
A morning at Guangxiao Si
Guangxiao Si, the Bright Filial Piety Temple is one the oldest in Guangzhou. History places the first buildings on the site during the 4th century.
China Photo: Morning at the market
The food deliveries in China come each morning. Chinese Trucks, motorcycles, dump their loads of fresh greens and the staff goes to work.
China News: This and that
What have I been up to? A little bit of this and that. Chinese business and visiting a dentist in China.
Hong Kong Photo: Po Fook Memorial Hall
I wanted to see the 10,000 Buddhas Monastery. Inadequate signage led me to the Po Fook Memorial Hall thinking it was the 10,000 Buddhas Monastery.
Chinese Food: Duck, Duck, Goose
The Guangdong boys eat duck. Duck for lunch, duck for dinner. Cantonese Roast Duck, stewed duck, duck soup, duck heads, duck, duck, duck, duck, duck.
Longhua Factory Sunrise
From my apartment window, an image with my Canon 40D, finally back in my possession.
Teaching in China: Dinner with Island
Mrs. Stevo and I had dinner with a former student of mine and her parents this past weekend.
Random tidbits from China: September 2009
Note to self: Take some photos when you get your camera back. A picture is worth 1,000 words. Further ramblings in a similar vein (or artery)