An internet amigo wrote some months ago about wanting a golden shower. No, it’s not what you’re thinking. His golden shower was in fact a shower stall made of gold, not the practice some may be familiar with.
I’m a simple man, materialistically and intellect-wise. While a shower made of gold would be pretty I don’t know if conventional cleaning products would be able to assist in removing the soap scum from the walls. Do they make Mr. Clean Gold?
I digress.
I don’t want a golden shower, I want a cold shower. As simple as that. I would like to have my body assaulted by icy needles of H2O jetting from my showerhead. I want to shiver and wince, and smile, as polar water covers my body. I want my shower to be so cold that polar bears and penguins would be comfortable if I invited them to partake.
Why? The water in my shower, my whole apartment, is not cold. It’s a shade of cold. In a sub-tropical clime anything not refrigerated is hot. I can’t expect my shower water to be an icy blast when the mercury hovers around one hundred and the Humidex reading makes angels weep.
By the end of a hot day four wet shirts have taken up residence in my hamper. (I have yet to cross the mythical five shirt line. I think Nostradamus wrote something about the man who wears five shirts and a zombie apocalypse. I could be mistaken.) Do some errands, return to my apartment soaked. A walk home from school leaves me looking as if I’ve taken a dip in a pool.
With the change of shirt comes a shower, a lukewarm experience that does little to relieve my suffering. A cold shower would refresh. I dream of icebergs. Seeing Leonardo DiCaprio treading water at the end of Titanic makes me envious.
Some want golden showers, I wish for a cold one, blessed relief, however temporary.
Hot climates are my enemy, the mock me and everything I stand for, and they eat kittens.
Is it me? Sometimes my mere presence causes men to need cold showers.
this was clever; made me smile
I hope all your frost-infested fantasies come true.
I understand your plight, having gone through something similar but I was lucky enough that it wasn’t a sub-tropical climate until the summer months rolled around.
David: Kittens can be tasty if prepared properly.
Jackie: I didn’t mention you as part of my cold shower needs. Keep quiet about it. Visiting your blog is another reason for a polar shower. Seeing your blue plastic roundness causes me to think impure thoughts.
Robin: Summer is pure evil.
The simple pleasures right?
I just read about a woman who had an outdoor shower. That sounded beautiful. Except that I’m in a climate that makes it a frozen tundra for a good portion of the year so it wouldn’t be very practical here.
Jackie makes me need a cold shower usually!
Impure thoughts? Naughty!
Have you checked out my bold yellow pigtails lately?
Getting some good search terms from this one?
Only a couple, Handward.