The Vancouver Sun printed an article about the outrage in China over comments made by a CNN commentator. The following is my letter to the editor of said publication.
Dear Editor:
I take issue with a statement made in your article:
China livid over CNN comments
Jack Cafferty criticized Chinese products, government
Aileen Mccabe, Canwest News Service
Published: Friday, April 18, 2008
Ms Mccabe said in her article: China Daily, the government’s official mouthpiece for the English-speaking world, revealed earlier Wednesday…..
Is “mouthpiece” an acceptable term to use when describing a newspaper? Should I refer to the Vancouver Sun as the official mouthpiece for Vancouver’s semi-literate?
Your lack of objectivity in this matter only exacerbates an already difficult and explosive situation. Perhaps your editors should edit for offensive terms as well as grammar before articles are published.
The Stevo
Note: In my part of Canada, The Sun chain of newspapers is famous for their lurid stories.
I agree. “Mouthpiece” is entirely inappropriate and shows incredible bias.
mariannes last blog post..Presumption
The use of the term mouthpiece may be inflammatory as the China Daily is not considered a formal government spokesperson. On the other hand, it is a state-run publication, which gives the impression that the Chinese government has some influence over what gets published, no? Perhaps the Vancouver Sun would have been better off using the term, “state-run” rather than, “government’s official mouthpiece”?