After I moved to SF, years ago, an old girlfriend and her friend visited me, and we strolled the Inner Richmond, which had many Chinese shops.
They freaked at the ducks and chickens hanging by their necks in the shop windows. And I can see how it is a tad gruesome but, really, where did you think chicken and duckmeat came from? Big petri dishes?
I mean, it affected them so much we almost couldn’t have dinner.
Is it good, to be this far removed from your nutrition?
hurry, first thought…
ummmm, okay, the scene in Rocky when he goes-off in the meat factory
i can almost smell the blood in the scene, and in this photo
Ewwwww. But at the same time, great picture!
What a wonderful slice of life you have given us!
After I moved to SF, years ago, an old girlfriend and her friend visited me, and we strolled the Inner Richmond, which had many Chinese shops.
They freaked at the ducks and chickens hanging by their necks in the shop windows. And I can see how it is a tad gruesome but, really, where did you think chicken and duckmeat came from? Big petri dishes?
I mean, it affected them so much we almost couldn’t have dinner.
Is it good, to be this far removed from your nutrition?