International Children’s Day in China: My Kids



June 1 is International Children’s Day, a calendar day widely celebrated in China. I don’t remember this holiday from my days as a child (although some would argue that I still indeed am a very big child.)


At my school it meant a day off for the little nippers, a day off without leaving the campus. Teachers gave gifts, and children ate voluminous amounts of junk food. Yes, children in China enjoy cookies and cakes, but spicy dried fish and chicken feet are also contenders for the top junk food spot.


These are my kids, a few of my faves to celebrate Children’s Day. Thanks to Expatriate Games for the inspiration.


9 Comments Add yours

  1. Ron in L.A. says:

    Cute! – That is an egg in the last image, isn’t it? Very cool Stevo… 😉

    R(etc… )

    Ron in L.A.´s last blog post..To The Mountain

  2. Corina says:

    Adorable! Happy kids, in any country, are so precious!

    Corina´s last blog post..Look Mom, No Slip!

  3. Hey Stevo! Lovely kids! I am sure you are going to miss them.

    What are you doing after your contract ends? Did I miss that post?

    Thanks for the mention as well.

    Expatriate Games´s last blog post..六一国际儿童节 – International Children’s Day

  4. nomadicmatt says:

    the big kid in the top picture looks a bit sinister!

    nomadicmatt´s last blog post..Ko Phi Phi

  5. Shawn says:

    Looks like everyone had a blast!

    I’m pretty sure we didn’t have our own holiday, when we were kids.

    Shawn´s last blog post..Where I Want To Be

  6. Graham says:

    You got some cute kids, Stevo. And kudos to you for even being able to teach them. I wouldn’t even know where to begin with little kids. It’s much easier to relate to college kids and older.

    Is that Toothless Rick I spy in the third photo?

  7. Stevo says:

    Ron: Yes, an egg. Thanks – A few of these were taken with my 400D and kit lens, as JPG. The quality leaves something to be desired.

    Corina: As precious as gold.

    Michael: I’ll drop you a line.

    Matt: Alas, no. He’s a large, happy lad. Cats are more sinister.

    Shawn: I should have been born 20 years later…

    Graham: Kids are easy. I can be fool and collect a paycheck. Yes, that is Rick. With his grown-up teeth he looks a little like a mouse.

  8. Lola says:

    Beautiful shots as always. Number 2’s my fav.

    Lola´s last blog post..Shifting Base

  9. Julie says:

    I love that top shot!

    Julie´s last blog post..Cambio Monetario en Cuba/Changing Money in Cuba

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