The result of basketball on a sunny, sub-tropical afternoon. Raymond was a tad hot, as was the photographer.
To do this justice you need to view it larger. Click the image.
Captured: July 21, 2008.
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Nice Stevo, very cool… 😉
R(etc… )
That kid definitely embodies summer.
This is a really good picture that embodies summer. I’m sure Raymond spent some time in front of the drinking fountain.
Toms last blog post..Meme
Ron: Thanks!
Jackie: He does, doesn’t he.
Tom: I’m sure he did.
Dang! Makes you thirsty just looking!
Shawn Ws last blog post..Are There Logical Reasons To Believe God Exists?
It makes me want to buy her a can of Diet Coke!
It makes me want to buy her a can of Diet Coke! Or give him an ice cold bath. Either one is cool
Awesome pic Stevo! Thanks for checking out my site by the way. I put a link up to your page on it!
Annas last blog post..Don’t Get Fired!
wow…is indeed hot…
poor photographer n kid of course
Fantastic shot, Stevo.
Robins last blog post..After the storm
that’s one sweaty student!!
Nomadic Matts last blog post..The Weekly Photo
Shawn: Yes it does.
Andie: That would probably be welcome.
Anna: Thanks. Welcome, and good luck with your adventure.
hm: Yes, but the photographer and student eventually cooled off.
Robin: Merci.
Matt: Dui.
Do your students just call you “teacher”? When I taught in Greece, it was always “Miss” (but very drawn out and whiny sounding). Actually being called by my name was rare.
Theresas last blog post..On Conversation
Theresa: I have many names, teacher being the most common. Steve, or some bizarre variation of my Chinese name is not unusual. When students are trying to get my attention they call “Teacher, Teacher!” 20 seven-year-old saying this at once is rather unnerving.
Stevos last blog post..going for broke
Awesome. I love the expression on his face. This looks like it could be an advertisement for a sport drink!
Carries last blog post..Postcards From Penghu, With Love
I came here looking for a hot teacher and i didn’t find one!