12 Comments Add yours

  1. Jackie says:

    Oh, that Nietzche had no idea how rewarding homogeny can be. And soooo much easier. Be the gray fish! Shun the orange fish! The orange fish is crazy!

    In the interest of full disclosure, I should tell you that I’m currently on a lot of allergy medication.

  2. Shawn W says:

    Dude! That is one heck of a gold fish! 😉

    Seriously, I like this one. It would make a great object lesson.

    Shawn Ws last blog post..All My Children

  3. Stevo says:

    Jax: Pass some this way.

    Shawn: Thanks.

    Stevos last blog post..fighting the crowd

  4. Ooh! I love this one.

  5. amuirin says:

    She’s probably right. The orange fish probably is crazy.

    Crazy is rarely boring, though.

    I’m not sure I agree with the quote, there probably is a price too high to pay, but I sure like your capture, and it says what you’re saying better than words can.

    amuirins last blog post..Me So Cranky

  6. Stevo says:

    Wanda: Thank you kindly.

    amuirin: You’re right, crazy is anything but boring. I don’t know about the price: Can you place a price on owning yourself, not being indebted to the pack?

  7. Shawn W says:

    Sometimes it means being left out of the pack alltogether.

    Shawn Ws last blog post..All My Children

  8. Corina says:

    I love the picture!

    Corinas last blog post..Sister Number 1~Sylvia

  9. Theresa says:

    Those fish creep me out—the way they’re always opening their mouths begging for food and flopping all over each other. Shudder. But it’s a cool photo nonetheless.

    Theresas last blog post..Walk On

  10. Stevo says:

    Shawn: I don’t need a pack, unless it’s a pack of dog, my minions, under my command. The damage we could cause…

    Corina: Merci.

    Theresa: Chickens creep me out. I’ll eat them, but I don’t want to see them in a chicken coop.

  11. mercury727 says:

    Gorgeous shot there Stevo me likes it 🙂

    mercury727s last blog post..last night

  12. Stevo says:

    Thank you, Mr. M727. From a master like yourself, that is a compliment.

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