don’t stand so close to me

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The Stevo has several young girls following him around. This wasn’t the case when he was the same age as the girls. Back then, during the early 80s, having leprosy wouldn’t have made him any less popular.

Devlishly handsome, in a shirt straight from Queer as Folk.
Devlishly handsome, in a shirt straight from Queer as Folk.

Now, as I (yes, I’ll switch to first person) creep towards an age that when divided by four equals 10, I am an object of infatuation.  The class of Grade 5 was mine for more than two months. They are loud boisterous students, but I managed to channel that energy into something positive.  After a colleague was asked to “leave” the school, I had to shuffle the schedule, and the class with the affectionate girls was assigned to a new teacher. He’ll find his footing and I will be forgotten (he’s tall, muscular, and kind: I can’t compete).

That doesn’t help at the moment. Each night I walk past the classroom when the girls, always early, are lining up. I, for lack of a better world, am swarmed.

“Stevo!” they call, and climb on my back. “Steve!” they call, and drag me towards their classroom, their arms around me. It’s enough to make a man blush and cringe, while being full of a certain pathetic pride. It’s uncomfortable. Having 6-year-old hug you with gusto is one thing, a 10 year-old-girl is something else. I’ve come a long way towards being “touchy” but not that far.

There are only a few days left this term. After the month long break I’m sure my moment in the sun will have passed. Until then I will have to bear the fruits of my skill and charm, augmented by Grade 5 crushes. Why couldn’t this have happened when I was in Grade 5?


p style=”text-align: center;”>I’ll leave you with The Police, live, with a song that addresses this topic perfectly.

8 Comments Add yours

  1. Ron in L.A. says:

    After seeing that shirt the song that came to mind for me? This one:

    You look like you’re waiting for your turn on Dancing with the Stars… 😉

    As for turning 40, can’t help you there, I’m officially closer to 50 (that looks horrible in print)

    R(etc… )

    Ron in L.A.´s last blog post..Objects In The Mirror Are Closer Then They Appear

  2. Quickroute says:

    ah the follies of youth! if only that popularity could be sustained 🙁

    Quickroute´s last blog post..Attack of the Killer Snails

  3. OmbudsBen says:

    Just think, one of those infatuated girls is perhaps the reincarnation of a teacher you once had, with whom you were infatuated, and who once looked at you and wistfully thought, why couldn’t I have met hm when I was a schoolgirl?

  4. Shawn W says:

    *snicker* Be glad it wasn’t 16-year-olds.

    Shawn W´s last blog post..Oranges, Hazel Nuts, and Homemade Gifts – Revisited

  5. Ron: I would be the first cut from Dancing with the Stars.

    QR: Yes, that would be nice.

    Ben: What a lovely thought.

    Shawn: Yes, I am glad. We had a case of that at our summer camp. The teacher spend time hiding.

    Stevo | China´s last blog post..Weights and measure

  6. Average Jane says:

    Wearing that shirt, you landed that woman? My! My!

    Average Jane´s last blog post..The forgotten man

  7. amuirin says:


    you guys look fantastic in that picture, and your caption made me giggle-snort.

    amuirin´s last blog post..Happy Christmas, Weeblekind

  8. Stevo says:

    AJ: Pheromones can be the only explanation.

    amuirin: I’m glad you giggled. I didn’t when I saw the clothing for the photo shoot.

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