From the Passport Office, with love

My well-used passport.
My well-used passport.

I applied for a new passport as my current one is full of visas and stamps. Of course, the holiday season has delayed the process. I leave for England on January 16. I’m getting a tad anxious. Anxious about the passport, and about British weather. Britain in winter is not the most ideal of Island Getaways.

I will have to travel with two passports (there isn’t a enough time to transfer my China resident permit into the new document). While colleagues have done this with no problem, I’m a little worried about being able to get back into China, using a permit in an canceled passport.

Of course, that is, if I have a passport at all and am able to leave the country at all.

From the customer service representative at the Canadian Consulate:

I’m sorry, we have no way of knowing when your passport will arrive.

The reply from the Canadian government Passport Status Request web form:

We would like to inform you that any questions concerning your passeport (sic) application should be directed to the Canadian Government Offices located in China. We hope we were able to assist you.

No, you weren’t able to assist me. Given my past experiences with the offices of the Canadian government in China, I shouldn’t have expected anything more. Please, dear friends, cross your fingers, and toes, for me.

22 Comments Add yours

  1. madamedonna says:

    YIKES! All digits crossed and I’m even dotting “i”s and crossing “t”s in your honor. Here’s hoping we don’t have to turn purple holding our breath…

    madamedonna´s last blog post..Toasted Almond and Toffee Candy Cake

  2. Lola says:

    Wishing you the best with this passport fiasco. At least they have passports. The Nigerian Embassy in the States is currently out of passports and waiting for a new batch to arrive.

    “Could take less than 6 months or more. We don’t know at the moment!”

    Lola´s last blog post..Forgotten In Our Backyard

  3. Shawn W says:

    Oh! Wow! Sending up a little prayer too!

    Shawn W´s last blog post..God’s Will vs Free Will

  4. Holding a good thought, Stevo!

    thelittlefluffycat´s last blog post..News from the White House

  5. Jackie says:

    That’s what you get for having such a glamorous, well-traveled life. Serves you right!

    I’ll cross some stuff for you.

    Jackie´s last blog post..Some Things You Should Know, Or Some Things You Don’t Need To Know (Your Call)

  6. Stevo says:

    Donna: Many thanks.

    Lola: They print the passports in Canada, and then send them to China. I feel your pain.

    Shawn: Merci.

    LFC: Great!

    Jackie: Coolio, send pics.

  7. Corina says:

    I’m crossing everything I can (and even some things I can’t) for you! I hate red tape. I spent the morning in the Social Security office today, trying to get a replacement SS card. No luck. Because of 9-11, I have to go to court and file for a legal name change so it matches my birth certificate (it doesn’t because of marriage). I don’t even need the damn thing except that I have to get a driver’s license in this dumb state!

    Anyway, I wish you much luck in getting out and back in!!!

    Corina´s last blog post..When Is Enough Enough?

  8. Quickroute says:

    I hate passport sagas from adding pages to adding visas – good luck!

  9. Average Jane says:

    Oh! don’t worry, it will all work out in the end. You know it does.That’s how it happens in the movies. Though I will cross my eyes if you want. There, I have done it and now I can’t type statrighst anfndmore…

  10. Average Jane says:

    I keep looking at the countdown and feel as excited as if I were you!

    Average Jane´s last blog post..A not-so-smart woman

  11. Nomadic Matt says:

    wow that sucks! good luck!! You might have to travel on the old passport… sure u can squeeze a stamp in there

    Nomadic Matt´s last blog post..Cheap Things to Do in Singapore

  12. amuirin says:

    There’s something kind of rakish and adventurous about a well-used passport.

    I’m lighting a candle for luck; hope your passport comes.

    amuirin´s last blog post..Reading the News

  13. Stevo says:

    My passport is ready. I’ll pick it Monday. Hurrah!

  14. Lola says:


    Lola´s last blog post..Growing up in Nigeria

  15. madame donna says:

    Woooo Hooo! Brava! Way to go! Happy Trails. Enough said.

    madame donna´s last blog post..Toasted Almond and Toffee Candy Cake

  16. ybonesy says:

    Whew! Good ol’ government bureaucracy—sometimes it actually works.

    ybonesy´s last blog post..The Discipline Of Isabel Allende

  17. Stevo says:

    yb: Sometimes. When I called to check the status of my passport, the clerk said, “It’s here, I think. It was, now we can’t find it. I’ll call you back.”

  18. Theresa says:

    So did you actually manage to get it in your possession? I hope so! Bureaucracy is certainly one of life’s great joys.

    Theresa´s last blog post..Breaking Down the Inca Trail: Days 3 & 4

  19. Stevo says:

    Theresa: I love bureacracy!

  20. canadian eh says:

    I found a private company that helps you get your passport without dealing with the fine people at Passport Canada. The companies name is Thank god for free enterprise!

  21. tempo dulu says:

    Now it’s even more difficult if you live in Asia as the passport must be processed in Hong Kong!
    .-= tempo dulu´s last blog ..Renew British Passport in Indonesia Arggggggg!!!!!!! =-.

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