Which came first: The chicken or the printer?


Chinese Egg

I don’t know what this says. Eggs, with Chinese characters? I’m unsure about my feelings on this. Conflicted, perhaps.

Hats off to the people that invented a device capable to printing on eggs. Maybe it’s for Easter, a holiday not even celebrated.

This was shot with one flash and a reflector. After nosing around The Strobist I’m really eager to start working with two flashes, off-camera.  My plan to pay for it all? I have a lot of change. No, really, a lot. Like 30 pounds of it. That should cover the expense, and give me some more shelf space.

edit: I now know what this says, after consulting with my colleagues.  Sheng Di Le (a company name) Enviromental Egg. That oculd mean free-range, or something extremely sinister in Chinglish.

6 Comments Add yours

  1. Ron in L.A. says:

    I think it looks like Angelina Jolie’s last tattoo… The real question is how did you end up cooking it…

    R(etc… )

    Ron in L.A.´s last blog post..Danger! Unless You Can Fly…

  2. Stevo says:

    Ron: I wouldn’t be surprised if Angelina Jolie was a Sheng Di Le product. I believe the egg was boiled (hard) and eaten while still warm.

  3. Shawn says:

    That technology could catch on here, with Easter so close.

    If it’s organic or free range, doesn’t the printing kind of defeat the whole idea?

    Shawn´s last blog post..Herstory

  4. Stevo says:

    Shawn: You would think, wouldn’t you. I guess if you’re organic in China you have to advertise anyway you can.

    Stevo´s last blog post..Stilts on the water

  5. ybonesy says:

    Love Ron’s comment. Made a funny shot even funnier.

  6. Stevo says:

    yb: Ron is a comedian that thinks he’s a photographer. His levity is always welcome.

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