China Photo: Rain, rain, go away

April Clouds in Shenzhen China.
April Clouds in Shenzhen China.

The weather in Shenzhen, China – actually across the entire region – has been dark and dreadful as of late. It’s not winter anymore, but the March/April rainy blahs can get you down. When May arrives, like magic, there will be sunshine and blue skies (depending on the air pollution index).

For now, it’s dark, damp, and not pleasant. I am not alone: Helpful photo guru Craig Ferguson lamented on twitter about his grey days in Taiwan. The lack of light combined with “the pressures” of life has left me feeling lethargic and moody. Maybe there should be a spring hibernation? Sleep through the rain?

edit: Yesterday was so humid that when I stepped outside, I thought for a brief moment, I was in Thailand.

And… I have a “work apartment” and the couch I am currently surfing. I find myself waking up and not knowing where the hell I am. Yes, I’ve been residing in two apartments for quite a while – but the new couch arrangement has thrown me for a loop. I leave the bathroom light on to quell the panic I feel as I groggily try to realize where I am.  After I move (again) I will still face this fun. Maybe in six months life will return to normal…

Pacific typhoon season starts in June – something to look forward to. When I was teacher typhoon day cancellations were a welcome respite to the monotony, and celebrated with much jiu. I don’t think I will find the same fun in my current position.

I’m willing to take bets – I’m fairly certain that Mrs. Stevo will go into labor during a typhoon. Why? Because that’s my life. Baby Stevo will probably be born in the back of a taxi stranded on a water-logged Shenzhen  street.

On the plus side – I’ve decided that Leica would be a great name for a girl, and maybe Elinchrom for a boy.

Some stuff to read: Wandering Educators did an interview with me, take a look and read about the start of this site and my random thoughts on being an expat. It’s a great site – read it regularly. Following in the interview vein – Asian Ramblings was featured with other prominent Asian bloggers on CNN – take a look.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Quickroute says:

    Yeah – this zero visibility & humiditity has reduced my hiking to null – a typhoon baby! – now that’s how to come into this world!
    .-= Quickroute´s last blog ..Rule #1 – 3 Strikes – I’m Out :-(( =-.

  2. jessiev says:

    typhoon baby is too funny (and scary to contemplate). LOVE the name Leica. run with it!! hope you get your housing settled soon.

    and we were HAPPY to share this wonderful site with our readers. thanks, steve!
    .-= jessiev´s last blog ..Top 10 budget holiday rentals worldwide =-.

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