Once in a while I head out after dark with my camera. It’s not the best for night shots. Noise, those evil digital Tribbles, worm their way among my beloved pixels. You can minimize noise with post processing software, but images tend to end up “soft.”
The gate of my community, (Da Men as I say to the taxi drivers) is one of the largest residential gates in China. Every location in China has a claim to fame. Example: Each town has a famous foods which is hawked by savvy restaurateurs. The Guangming district in Shenzhen is famous for fried young pigeon. People come from all over to partake of the delicacy. I’ve eaten it: It’s tasty, but I wouldn’t go out of my way to get it. Changsha, the capital of Hunan province, is famous for Chou Doufu – or stinky tofu. I’ve eaten that too. It’s doesn’t taste as bad as it smells. No famous food in my area – just a very big gate.
But I digress. No, my camera isn’t great for low-light shots. The above is a reflection of the Big Gate in the fountain just inside said gate.
I think it’s a beautiful shot.
.-= Robin´s last blog ..Another piece of the puzzle =-.
Clever shot… looks clean enough here!
.-= Michael´s last blog ..A Walk With Jeremy =-.
Pretty cool photo! I like the contrasts.
.-= Erica´s last blog ..Go Shopping in True British Style =-.
I love the pic too. Don’t think I’d like pigeon.
.-= Ybonesy´s last blog ..The Short Story & Spring Writing Contests =-.
what a great shot!! i don’t think i’d like stinky tofu…
.-= jessiev´s last blog ..Win a Eurail Pass and Flip Videocamera with Off Track Planet =-.
I highly recommend the ‘beer fish’ in Yangshuo – my two fav foods!
.-= Quickroute´s last blog ..Get Your FAX Straight =-.