Break Dancing – China Style


Break Dancing - China-style

The Chinese break dancers arrived late in the day. Each afternoon and evening they dance to promote a new sporting goods store.

I was sitting next door, on the patio of our local coffee purveyor, camera in hand to document a Kentuckians Chinese-style Derby party.  I needed a smaller lens, the 70-200 to big to get all the action without me leaving my seat. Yes, lazy. I should have bought the 24-85 f/2.8 when I had the chance.

Do people in the west still break dance? I thought this a dead art form.

12 Comments Add yours

  1. Shawn says:

    Break dancing has gone the way of disco here. That guy is doing it the hard way, right on the pavement! Here they always carried cardboard to dance on.

    Shawn´s last blog post..Still Around

  2. There still everywhere it seems – even seen them in corny hip hop vids and movies´s last blog post..We Want WAR! – We Want WAR!

  3. Lola says:

    Cool shot! Really like the angle.

    Lola´s last blog post..Postcard: Goaaaal!

  4. Stevo says:

    Shawn: I thought so. Yes, I wondered where the cardboard was. Maybe Chinese breakdancers are tougher than their western counterparts?

    QR: Somethings never change.

    Lola: Thanks, I’m quite happy with it.

    Stevo´s last blog post..Inspector Stevo and the Case of the missing neck tie

  5. Ron in L.A. says:

    Nice Stevo, straight out of Electric Boogaloo 13… 😉

    How does that not hurt your hair?

    R(etc… )

    Ron in L.A.´s last blog post..Long Train (Not) Running

  6. Stevo says:

    Ron: I think he had a rotating cap installed inside his skull.

  7. Robin says:

    I often wonder if those guys end up bald after a while.

    They still break dance here. Saw quite a bit of it in New Orleans and b-dancers occasionally make an appearance on television (the dance shows).

    Robin´s last blog post..Dancing

  8. Stevo says:

    Robin: I wonder that too. It’s nice to know the art hasn’t died out.

  9. mike says:

    It was popular here in New York in the 70s and 80s. I don’t see much anymore at all. A lot of fun.

  10. Stevo says:

    Mike: Too bad for NYC.

  11. JJ says:


    (i’m chinese by the way so i’m not mocking discriminatorily)

  12. eh says:

    we don’t seem to get that much of it here in the UK…and you aren’t hardcore if you use cardboard…

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