Blowing in the wind

A Chinese lantern
A Chinese lantern

Chinese Lunar New Year is long gone. The lanterns (above) are packed away until the next firework-fueled blow out: Two weeks of the year that an entire nation stops.

When the next new year arrives I will be father.

A father.

A man approaching 40, a successful yet slightly unstable vagabond, an expat, a square peg in a round hole, will be a father.

The thought fills me with terror. Life is now real, each day flashing by in sickening Technicolor dread. Not that life wasn’t real before – but your existence takes on a Disney-quality when someone else pays all the bills.

You should be happy, Stevo, says the inner voice. A baby! You like babies. You love children. You are child, in a middle-aged body – this will be only job you will ever really be good at.

Why is inner voice so optimistic?

I’ve never run from responsibility – that has been my lot in life. Making decisions regarding the design of a wireless flash trigger and raising a child are worlds apart. Can I do it? Will the jitters go away? Or, am I destine to be a nervous wreck until  Baby Stevo graduates university?

Don’t worry, everything will be fine. This is China, everything is always fine, you’ve learned that, worry wort, whispers the inner voice. The glass isn’t half full, it is full.

Half-empty then half-full – terror and joy holding hands with freakish regularity. That’s me, the lantern, blowing in the wind, between two extremes.

Seven weeks. That’s all. Seven weeks to stop being all dramatic, to put up and shut up, to be the man I should be – the man – the father – I want to be.

A bright and frightening future awaits.

13 Comments Add yours

  1. madame donna says:

    This is beautiful. I know those feelings. The moment my contractions began, the ones that initiated the labor and birth of my first child, I turned toward my husband and said, “I’ve changed my mind. I don’t want to do this.” I went on to do it over and over again because it was far more joy than terror–and still is.
    .-= madame donna´s last blog ..Twisted Indian Kheema Salad =-.

    1. Stevo says:

      Thanks for that, Donna.

  2. Josh says:

    That’s terribly frightening (and exciting). At least you know you can take good pictures of this new kid 🙂
    .-= Josh´s last blog ..Discussion: Language in Xinjiang Education, Uyghur or Mandarin? =-.

    1. Stevo says:

      Hehe. Thanks, Josh.

  3. Carrie says:

    There is no doubt in my mind that you are going to be a GREAT dad. You absolutely can, and just like every challenge in life you’ll be nervous up until the moment little baby Stevo arrives and then you’ll step up and it’ll be exactly as it should be. I’m very happy for you both!
    .-= Carrie´s last blog ..Peggy Teaches Chinese (12): Can you speak Chinese? =-.

    1. Stevo says:

      Thanks, Carrie. What about you? Baby in the future?

      1. Carrie says:

        This is a question we’re still struggling with, much to my mother’s chagrin. 😉
        .-= Carrie´s last blog ..Peggy Teaches Chinese (12): Can you speak Chinese? =-.

  4. jessiev says:

    i love this. i felt the same things, before lillie came. now, i can’t imagine our lives without her – she’s so MUCH a part of our lives, bringing us joy in untold ways. and being nervous is a GOOD THING.

    you’ll be a great dad, i just know it. the hard parts will come, but the work is SO worth it. YAY! now find an address so i can send you this blankie! 🙂
    .-= jessiev´s last blog ..Myrtle Beach MayFest – a Month of Free Concerts and Festivals =-.

    1. Stevo says:

      Will do, Jessie. And thanks….

  5. Allison says:

    As I hold a fussing 9 week old Liam as I read this, I’ll just tell you this. You WILL be a nervous wreck and worry about them all the time. But you won’t do anything else in your life that compares to this.

    1. Stevo says:

      It’s better than roller-coasters and fettucine alfredo?

      1. your sister says:

        not better just different

  6. your sister says:

    did you delete my comments from earlier today?

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