The muse is dead: Long live exhaustion



Running to stand-still.

Yes, a song from U2’s Joshua Tree CD but also an apt description of my life in China. Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, and charging heedlessly and headlessly between them is a harried Stevo.

Life pitches its share of curve balls. I am facing an uncertain future in a country that I am not a resident of. Yes, there are possibilities, but there is a chasm between possibilities and reality. Existence can be difficult when you are dependent on a visa (for two more years – 5 years of marriage is needed before Stevo and Mrs. Stevo’s union can bear the healthy child known as a Green Card.)

I was A-Number-1, top of the heap. Now – not so much.

Worrying about jobs and visas while doing my job: Trying to wrap up the term while keeping both the school and my team happy, and trying to control my temper to a point where homicide isn’t contemplated.

In a word, exhaustion. I’m tired. Really tired. When I’m not at work I retreat to Azeroth and kill Alliance minions. It’s mindless fun, and not the least bit productive. I have plenty of new photo gear and not the least bit of inclination to use it. I want to shoot, but would rather watch South Park and eat scrambled eggs. There’s a list of articles I want to write, but I’d rather read and laugh at the silliness.

As Paddy recently said: My mojo is gone. Exhaustion, my friends, has killed my muse. Okay, maybe not killed her, just placed her in a semi-conscious state. If Paddy is experiencing it perhaps it’s something in the blogosphere’s collective unconscious? Maybe it’s not just me, but some insidious plot by the Freemasons to control the blogosphere? Google, on behalf of the Bilderburg Group, is transmitting low-frequency sound waves via our PCs that render self-absorbed blogger-types unable to write? Stranger things have happened. I know a country that elected a less-than-intelligent president. Twice.

I’d like to hibernate, a bear in an air-conditioned den. Rest. Recuperation. Caffeine does not recharge batteries. Maybe a little time away will see both the batteries of me and my muse recharged.

So, friends, pardon my responses to your comments (or lack there of), or posting of new and interesting tidbits. I apologize for not visiting your blogs. I would, but find myself forgetting little things.

Two more weeks. I can do it, that’s not in doubt. Doing it and not requiring convalescence is my goal. Bear with me.

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9 Comments Add yours

  1. Norm says:

    Hang in there Stevo! You have a ton on your plate but the end is in sight. Get whatever rest you can and refresh.
    [rq=1637,0,blog][/rq]Neil Young As Muse

  2. Graham says:

    I feel the same way dude. I’m ready for this semester to be over. I need a vacation! No matter what, just keep going. I find myself having to force myself out of bed every day. It gets more and more difficult, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I can almost see it and you will see it soon after me. Just make sure you keep yourself in good supply of ice cold beer. I find that helps a lot.

  3. Ron in L.A. says:

    You’re almost there, think Eagles “The Long Run” and you’ll be fine… 😉

    R(etc… )
    [rq=2420,0,blog][/rq]Late Surf

  4. Josh says:

    It’s that time of year in the ESL world. It’s what I love and hate about what I’m doing right now. To top it all off I have to travel to Beijing (a bit of a travel for me) because my passport is expiring in a couple months. Doesn’t sound to be near as dire straights as what you’re going through, but I do hope that the next couple of years go by quickly for you.

    Are you thinking of moving to a different part of China?
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  5. Dude, as others have said already, I totally get you. I think it really is partly just due to the time of the year. So close to that break!

    I have been doing nothing that results in anything god for weeks it seems! The enw website is almost up, maybe after that I’ll get motivated. 3 more weeks buddy, hang in there.

  6. Erica says:

    I hope you’ll get your writing muse and energy back soon. Remember, it’s only temporary! Like Norm said, just hang in there. It will pass.

    By the way, I must say your blog looks way better without the background you had before. Much cleaner!
    [rq=5509,0,blog][/rq]Car Rental Insurance Demystified

  7. Shawn says:

    (((Stevo))), it must be something in the air. All I want to do is sleep.
    [rq=7814,0,blog][/rq]God Is Not Mad At You

  8. Stevo says:

    Norm: Thanks.

    Graham: Will do.

    Ron: A great tune.

    Josh: Yes, it is that time of year…

    Michael: I can’t wait to see the new site.

    Erica: Thanks.

    Shawn: It’s the Freemasons, I tells ya….

  9. Corina says:

    We all need a break sometimes. Looks like now’s your time! Take it and make the best of it.
    .-= Corina´s last blog ..The Explosion =-.

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