I spent almost a week in Dubai, business hub and home of the world’s largest white elephant building. What can I say about Dubai? It’s hot. It’s surrounded by desert (except for the ocean side), and, the expats outnumber the locals seven to one.
You don’t get to see a lot of a place when you’re working a trade show. The inside of your hotel room and exhibition hall become all too familiar – as does the taxi route between the two. I’m not complaining – I met a lot of great photographers and had some amazing conversations.
My last day in Dubai was free and was spent “seeing the sites.” I don’t have many photos as I grabbed one memory card before jetting away from Hong Kong. My bad.
A desert dune-busting safari in a 4×4, the world’s largest building, a nearly empty beach: Good times. The beach, virtually empty save a few expats was on par with any of the Best Beaches in Hong Kong I’ve seen. I saw the famous 7-star hotel – from the outside. We were not allowed in – and were approached by security as we sought an alternate route.
I did eat a lot of Indian food. Growing up in suburban Canada didn’t offer many opportunities (actually, any) to consume Indian cuisine. Tasty stuff, I need to try more.
The trip did allow me to indulge in something I have not had in 5 years. Taco Bell. Yes, I went to Dubai and ate Taco Bell. I have fond memories of “running for the border” and it was nice to eat cheese fries again. Of course, I was terribly ill later, but that’s another story.
I did miss China. I missed Chinese food. Dubai was fun but I’m happy to be home.
glad you’re home!
.-= jessiev´s last blog ..Magical New Zealand – my top ten places on North Island =-.
I have heard it’s not quite as ‘happening’ since the GFC – mmmmm Indian food – me like
.-= Quickroute´s last blog ..HUNKY DORY – HUBBA HUBBA! =-.
Taco Bell. I can understand the appeal (especially after these past few months of super healthy eating — a little junk food would taste wonderful).
I’ve been cooking Indian curries lately (since we don’t have a lot of Indian restaurants nearby). It’s fun, interesting, and tasty.
.-= Robin´s last blog ..Look Up: North Market =-.
Nothing like a trip away to make you feel homesick!
Taco Bell?!!!! Are you kidding me? I don’t think I would ever miss Taco Bell. I haven’t had it it a bazillion years. Somehow when you can make Mexican food a million times better than the pseudo Mexican food, you’d rather have that! But I guess, to each his own!
.-= Corina´s last blog ..Instead, I will celebrate =-.
There’s one place that totally mimics a Bedouin encampment and offers the most breathtaking views and experiences. Without all the hustle and bustle that usually comes with a tourist destination, the Al Maha Desert Resort totally offers a unique experience that really creates a unity with nature that I haven’t really found anywhere else.
Can’t beat Taco Bell wherever you are in the world. Pretty good food that is dirt-cheap. I have heard the same about Dubai from people who have visited saying that it is made up of mostly ex-pats, maybe that’s why there are so many fast-food joints.
.-= Buzz´s last blog ..Who Owns Reuters =-.
This one place that is high on my travel budget list. I cannot wait to go to Taco bell there either! My favorite fast food restaurant.
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