My honorary daughter came to visit last weekend, a rare occurrence. I can thank the school break for Chinese New Year. Island, or Ellen as she says her name is now, was my student when she was a fresh-faced Grade 1. Now in Grade 3, we visit each other from time to time.
We live in the same community but that doesn’t mean we’re together every weekend. Chinese school kids have a schedule that rivals that of a CEO. When school is finished for the day there are tutoring sessions in math, Chinese calligraphy, compositions, English, and then piano lessons, dance, kung fu, etc. Evenings and weekends are booked solid.
I saw Island four times this past school term. I think I could make an appointment with the president of china easier than I can with Island and her scholastic commitments.
She came to our apartment for a couple of hours of origami, television and PB & J. She was decked out in her Chinese New Year finery. Wearing new clothes is another custom of Chinese New Year. A fun time, I wish I could see her more often.
Sweet girl… lovely portrait. I am being dragged out of the house tonight ot shop for new clothes. Oy.
.-= Expatriate Games´s last blog ..Say Hello To The Neighbors =-.
I’ll be wearing the emperor’s new clothes. Makes shopping easier.
.-= Steve´s last blog ..Chinese New Year: Year of the Tiger =-.
Definitely nice portrait and a cutie 😀
.-= Mark Forman´s last blog ..Architect(ed) =-.
What a delightful story! Lights up a day.
She is cute 🙂 It is easier to learn everything when you are young. I am learning piano on my own.
.-= mike´s last blog ..World cities – trivia 6 =-.