12 Comments Add yours

  1. Ron in L.A. says:

    Ok Stevo, I’m just hoping that the new toilet seat has nothing to do with drinking Hennessy, and eating crab, shrimp, and other expensive seafood last night. The laundry and washing of dishes I get… 😉

    R(etc… )

    Ron in L.A.s last blog post..Taking Off… – Brevard County, Florida

  2. Stevo says:

    No, Captain Ron, and thank you for that disturbing mental picture.

    Although, Mrs. Stevo is complaining of duzi tang (stomach pain) this morning.

  3. Ron in L.A. says:

    You’re quite welcome Stevo, you’ve provided us all with a few disturbing mental pictures, it’s the least I could do… 😉

    Hope she’s feeling better…

    R(etc… )

    Ron in L.A.s last blog post..Taking Off… – Brevard County, Florida

  4. Just imagine if you had kids. If I want Hennesy and seafood I have to leave town.

    Wanda Rizzutos last blog post..My Hero!

  5. Stevo says:

    Wanda: I’m trying to convince Mrs. Stevo we would have a fuller, richer life with a dog instead of children. My efforts are in vain.

  6. Robin says:

    I’ve always thought that sort of dichotomy was life’s way of keeping us humble. Well, those of us who have that sort of dichotomy in their lives. I hear there are people who can afford to pay others to do all the dirty work.

  7. Stevo says:

    Robin: Very true. I can afford to pay someone else, sometimes, to do the dirty stuff. But, there is a sense of satisfaction that comes from cleaning up something very dirty. There is something to be said for honest, down-to-earth physical work. Cleaning the stained tiles in my bathroom, a nasty job, is something I enjoy (a couple of times a year).

  8. marianne says:

    I think this seems pretty balanced to me, handsome.

    mariannes last blog post..Tied

  9. Shawn W says:

    I’m afraid seeing Hennessy, crab, shrimp, and toilet seat in the same sentence gave me pause too.

    Shawn Ws last blog post..Resting In Him

  10. Jackie says:

    Karmic balance, baby.

    Jackies last blog post..If Only Skittles Were Nice

  11. Baron von Rochester says:

    I had the same reaction regarding the toilet seat. Dude, don’t scare us like that.

  12. Stevo says:

    marianne: Nay, ’tis not.

    Shawn & Baron: Apologies. The meal and seat were not linked.

    Jackie: Damn Karma!

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