busting spammers


from: therawfeed.comCarrie at My Several Worlds found out last week all the content on her blog had been stolen and posted elsewhere without crediting her. She, in her own words, was pissed.

She did some research and took actions. I suggest everyone read her post on how she solved the problem and busted the spammer.

10 Comments Add yours

  1. Bastards.

    Wanda Rizzutos last blog post..Screw You Orlando!

  2. marianne says:

    You really have to wonder… what the hell are people thinking? What is the point in stealing someone’s entire site? Where is the benefit?

  3. Stevo says:

    People are stupid, marianne, that’s the only explanation.

    Wanda: Ditto.

  4. Jackie says:

    That link didn’t work for me.

    Did Randy post it on Gather?

  5. I just dropped her a message. She did a good job in fixing the problem, a problem that should never have happened. Why can’t we just shoot the scraping airheads and be done with it?

  6. Stevo says:

    Jackie: The link just worked for me. There must be something wrong with your kidneys.

    If you mention that place again I will spank you, and not in a friendly, kinky way.

    I’m certain Randy has reposted it. He would take the accolades for being a spam crusader, hypocritical spam-meister.

    RT: I think this is legal in some nations.

  7. Carrie says:

    Hi Steve,

    Thanks for the link and the stumble. Let’s hope that people realize there are steps that can be taken to try and prevent this kind of thing from happening and that we do have a course of action when it does happen to us.

    Carries last blog post..Photo Moment: Monkey Break

  8. Stevo says:

    No problem, Carrie. I hate to see this type of thing happen. It’s evil. I’ve was part of one online community where, despite complaints, the management turned a blind eye to outright theft.

    Stevos last blog post..busting spammers

  9. Corina says:

    I will check it out. I don’t know that anyone would want anything I have written but one never knows!

  10. Shawn W says:

    Brava to Carrie!

    Thanks for the great link, Stevo.

    Shawn Ws last blog post..Resting In Him

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