5 Comments Add yours

  1. Jackie says:

    Wow, that IS incredible detail! Please keep that lens far away from my face.

    Jackie’s last blog post..Super-Obvious Statement To Myself

  2. Robin says:

    Very, very cool, Stevo. The detail is incredible. šŸ™‚

    Robin’s last blog post..The cat and the parrot

  3. Is that color for real?

    Baron von Rochester’s last blog post..Petty Small Annoyances

  4. Corina says:

    Yes! Excellent!

    Did I tell you I inherited my daughter’s Canon digital slr? I have yet to be able to use it though because she can’t find the battery charger. She’ll find it soon. Or else! I can’t wait to experiment with it.

    Corina’s last blog post..Ten Places Iā€™d Like To Visit

  5. Pandemonic says:

    Really cool.

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