Hong Kong Photo: Getting Ready

Getting Ready: Morning on Victoria Harbor
Getting Ready: Morning on Victoria Harbor

I haven’t gone to Hong Kong very much since last July. Five trips in seven months: That won’t do. My Chinese resident permit will be ready tomorrow, I will be a resident of the Middle Kingdom (again) and be able to leave and return without worrying about visas and other government mumbo-jumbo.

Once upon a time I loathed Hong Kong. I would have proclaimed “I hate Hong Kong,” from the top of Victoria peak if I’d had the chance. But, we all mellow. I still believe Hong Kong is the place useless and bitter expats go to die, but I’ve managed to see past that.

I usually stay at  a rather small guesthouse. (If you haven’t heard of Chungking Mansions you can count yourself as lucky. ) Being an early riser I’m out on the streets while everyone else is still asleep, except for the Chungking Mansions drug dealers: They never sleep. Seeing things that few people get to see is pretty amazing. The sun rising over Victoria Harbour, birds in dawn flight, joggers, fishermen, and boat captains.

Craig Ferguson, a master photographer, recommends getting up early, one of the tips in his new photography ebook, Tips, Tricks and Pics. At $5, it’s a steal. I had the pleasure of checking out an almost complete version of the book and highly recommend it. What in the photography world can you buy for $5? This book is a must-have.

The captain above had his boat anchored beside the Kowloon Star Ferry Terminal. At 7:38 am he was polishing the glass of his rustic conveyance. I grabbed a couple of shots before he noticed me.

Sleep is over-rated.

7 Comments Add yours

  1. David says:

    Wow, Chungking Mansions, now there’s an experience everyone should have at least once in their life! I hope they don’t tear that place down (like Kowloon Walled City) – it’s an institution!

    I find the best way to deal with bitter expats is just to avoid them. I tend not to hang out at the usual expat-ghettos so have never really been jaded by HK or anywhere else. In fact I love HK for all its craziness, there’s something alluring about the east meets west atmosphere…

    Have fun 🙂
    .-= David´s last blog ..Inside P1.cn – China’s Exclusive SNS =-.

    1. Stevo says:

      I would agree. The wall-to-wall people in Mongkok, the domestics in the park on Sunday afternoons, it is an amazing place.

  2. Ron in L.A. says:

    Nice colors at that hour Stevo…

    If he’s up that early, maybe he can drive a bus too?

    R(etc… )
    .-= Ron in L.A.´s last blog ..You Put Your Right Wing In =-.

    1. Stevo says:

      I can only imagine the chaos on Chinese waterways. Can they be worse than the roads?

  3. Mark Forman says:

    Plus 1 on the nice colors…
    .-= Mark Forman´s last blog ..Architect(ed) =-.

    1. Stevo says:

      When I first opened this, Mark, I thought about your colorful images.

  4. Erica says:

    Thanks for recommending Craig’s photo eBook. Sounds great!
    .-= Erica´s last blog ..Go Shopping in True British Style =-.

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