Shaoshan China: In the tunnel

In the Shaoshan China Tunnel
In the Shaoshan China Tunnel

I doubt this tunnel connecting Chairman Mao’s childhood home to the rest of Shaoshan China in Hunan province, was ever used by Mao Zedong.  It’s probably a hold-over from the heady days of the Cultural Revolution when Shaoshan was much like Disneyland.

Not being traversed by a former communist party chairman, the tunnel is now used by tourists and the touts that cover Shaoshan like flies on a dead squirrel. Above: Mrs. Stevo and a tout. Friendly Mrs. Stevo talks to everyone. The above tout followed us as we toured the Mao manse, giving us facts and trivia. After walking through the tunnel we were invited to her home, which happened to be a restaurant.

Scammed again. Shaoshan has embraced capitalism and rampant scammage.

10 Comments Add yours

  1. Very cool. Tunnels always have a great atmosphere and you’ve captured it well.
    .-= Craig Ferguson (@cfimages)´s last blog ..Five For Friday – Xingtian Temple =-.

    1. Stevo says:

      Thanks. I’m a big fan of tunnels.
      .-= Stevo´s last blog ..Shaoshan: In the tunnel =-.

  2. mike says:

    The picture looks good dark.

    1. Stevo says:

      Thank you, Mike
      .-= Stevo´s last blog ..Shaoshan: In the tunnel =-.

  3. Theresa says:

    Love the lighting. And your wife sounds so sweet. I wish I had the patience to deal with touts graciously.

    1. Stevo says:

      Theresa: Yes, I have no patience when dealing touts either.
      .-= Stevo´s last blog ..Shaoshan: In the tunnel =-.

  4. Lola says:

    Nice capture!

    1. Stevo says:

      Thanks, Lola, and congrats.
      .-= Stevo´s last blog ..Shaoshan: In the tunnel =-.

  5. Shawn says:

    Very nice!
    .-= Shawn´s last blog ..The Wedding Dress =-.

    1. Stevo says:

      Merci, Shawn.
      .-= Stevo´s last blog ..Shaoshan: In the tunnel =-.

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