The students were surprised to see the moon smiling when they arriving for classes on the evening of Wednesday, December 3, 2008, Yes, it’s true. It was pointed out to me in an excited mixture of English and Chinese, dozens of times.
Thanks to an unusual alignment of the planets Jupiter and Venus, and a crescent moon, those looking heavenward were treated to a celestial smile. I’m an idiot about astronomy, was this phenomenon visible in North America?
Photo: BBC
Yes, it was visible here, too but if I recall correctly, it was earlier in the week, perhaps on the 2nd. I could be wrong. Locally, we were under a very thick fog/cloud layer so we didn’t see it. My son, however saw it in the SF Bay Area. We were talking on the cell on his way home from work when he asked if I knew anything about it and he described it to me.
Corina´s last blog post..Christmas, 1978
I didn’t see it. Admittedly, I’m not much of a stargazer.
Corina: There are some great images on the Chinese intertubes. I have to get someone with better language skills to find them for me. I’ll re-post.
Jackie: So when I stare at the stars and wonder if you are looking at the same ones, the answer is “No!”? Heart-broken again.
Stevo | China´s last blog post..artisan
Yeah,, Oregon didn’t much get to see it, cus of clouds. I was disappointed, cus I read about it, and told some friends in the east who said it was pretty amazing. It really does look like a face in your capture.
amuirin´s last blog post..zeufli butterflies
amuirin: I was lucky here. Usually you can’t see any stars.
Stevo | China´s last blog post..prayers to the new
That is a great picture. I have too many trees here. It is a bit hard to take that kinda of picture.