I once read that Stephen King could publish his shopping list and people would buy it. While Mr. King and I have the same first name (spelled differently), our publishing credits are a tad different. What the hell, this is my blog, I can publish what I want. Thank you, Stephen King, for the inspiration.
What I bought at the supermarket earlier this week:
- 1 head of broccoli
- 1 green pepper
- 1 yellow pepper
- 1 red pepper
- 1 block of tofu
- 1 six-pack of strawberry yogurt
- 1 bottle of orange juice
- 1 can of protein powder
- 15 eggs (not by the dozen in China)
- 1 bag of assorted pasta
- 1 bottle of brandy
irony (def)
- The use of words to express something different from and often opposite to their literal meaning.
- An expression or utterance marked by a deliberate contrast between apparent and intended meaning.
- A literary style employing such contrasts for humorous or rhetorical effect. See synonyms at wit1.
- Incongruity between what might be expected and what actually occurs: “Hyde noted the irony of Ireland’s copying the nation she most hated” (Richard Kain).
- An occurrence, result, or circumstance notable for such incongruity.
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I’m thnking the brandy should be plural and at the top of the list but that’s just me… 😉
R(etc… )
Ron in L.A.´s last blog post..Dust Devils – On The Road to Tomorapi, Bolivia
Ron: The list is not necessarily in order.
Stevo | China Travel´s last blog post..Broccoli, China, and Stephen King
[zooms over at the mention of Stephen King]
You’re still a bachelor, aren’t you?
Kathleen McDade´s last blog post..Future Economy: The Real Reason Why I Didn’t Shop on Black Friday
Except for the brandy, I think this is what my shopping lists are going to start looking like. It’s certainly a healthy looking list.
Robin´s last blog post..Skywatch Friday: Let’s go fly a kite
My shopping list currently looks a lot like yours, minus the eggs (I don’t eat eggs) and the protein powder (unless it is vegetarian protein, I can’t eat that either). The brandy isn’t on my list but rum is. I love rum in my diet coke but it’s all gone so I gotta get some.
Really a nice shopping list. A lot like mine.
Corina´s last blog post..Black Friday Memories
I am running out of inspiration for my posts so maybe I could post grocery lists too..hmm. Though on second thoughts, I ain’t no Stephen King or the Stevo for that matter.
Average Jane´s last blog post..Re-learning to write
Exquisite! Add some tofu for the veggie stir fry, mix up a power smoothie with brandy and light a candle—I’ll be right over!
madame donna´s last blog post..Frequently Forgotten Details of Holiday Entertaining
Kathleen: Yes, still a bachelor.
Robin: Brandy can be healthy if used in moderation.
Corina: Great minds think alike.
AJ: I would love to see your shopping list.
Madame Donna: I’ll be waiting.
Stevo | China Travel´s last blog post..Roadside Attractions: Lucy the Elephant
No fish?
thelittlefluffycat´s last blog post..There Are All Kinds Of Cats
With the exception of the brandy, that looks remarkably similar to my shopping list.
cfimages´s last blog post..Studio Intoxication