104 weeks later


chinese wedding photos

Today in history: On July 31, 2006 a slightly bitter expat English teacher married a gentle Chinese lass. In the registry office he couldn’t read the form or make the appropriate pledge. The frustrated official eventually gave up and allowed him to sign his name, skipping the pledge.

The newlyweds ate dinner at KFC and spent their wedding night in an unlicensed hotel.

Things improved.

Wo ai ni, Mrs. Stevo.

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25 Comments Add yours

  1. Robin says:

    Happy Anniversary, Stevo & Mrs. Stevo!

    Robins last blog post..Summer scenes (III)

  2. Hey…it seems like I just read about your 1 year anniversary. Congrats!

    I love the picture too.

    Wanda Rizzutos last blog post..Our Lady of Nodingo Or…I’m Out

  3. Jackie says:

    I was going to say the same thing as Wanda– seems like the 2st anniversary just happened!

    Lovely pic. Nice deviation from the traditional bride and groom shot…

  4. Shawn W says:

    Happy Anniversary, Stevos!

    Beautiful photo! (Dude! Are you wearing tennis shoes?)

    Shawn Ws last blog post..Random Nonsense

  5. Dude! I think he is wearing tennis shoes!

    Happy Anniversary!

    Kathleen McDades last blog post..Limestone and Global Warming

  6. Stevo says:

    Robin: Thanks.

    Wanda: That happens when you have two anniversaries. The civil ceremony was in July, the reception in October. Mrs. Stevo has two birthdays. Damn Chinese calendar. Grumble, grumble, grumble.

    Jackie: See above.

    Shawn and Kathleen: Yes, I am wearing tennis shoes. Sigh, someone spotted me. The photographer told me to wear black shoes, but I couldn’t come to grips with black shoes and a white suit. Hence the tennis shoes. Shawn, you have good eyes.

  7. mercury727 says:

    Happy Anniversary Stevo me old china*

    *see cockney rhyming slang for mate 🙂

    mercury727s last blog post..in the dark city of the mind

  8. Unguided says:

    Happy Anniversary! Wo ai ni, too, Stevos (am not exactly sure what it means, though).

    Unguideds last blog post..ForestLove, A Greenpeace Campaign

  9. lina says:

    that is such a lovely photo. Love it.
    Lucky Mrs Stevo to have two calendars and get to celebrate things twice. 🙂

    linas last blog post..Fireworks

  10. ybonesy says:

    You are a roman guy, Mr. Stevo. I love this shot.

  11. ybonesy says:

    oops, meant “romantic” — well, maybe you are Roman, too. It’s the nose. 8)

    ybonesys last blog post..Flannery O’Connor (Part I) — The House I Grew Up In

  12. Tell the truth, you had a cat photographer. 🙂 Happy Anniversary!

    the little fluffy cats last blog post..Who Is Simon?

  13. Jennifer says:

    Happy anniversary.

  14. Shawn W says:

    You were right to avoid the black shoes. They would have really stuck out.

    Shawn Ws last blog post..Random Nonsense

  15. Stevo says:

    I’ve been lax in responding. School is out and I’m chillin’.

    M727: Merci. My Cockney’s not that good.

    Lina: Lucky for her, not for me. Twice as much to remember.

    yb: Roman or romantic, I’m happy to be either.

    Jennifer: Many thanks.

    Shawn: I think so too. In the reception photos I’m wearing black shoes and look like an idiot.

    LFC: He did look a little feline.

  16. Baron von Rochester says:

    OMG, that is such a stunning photograph. Congratulations to both of you.

  17. Theresa says:

    Happy Anniversary. You picked a good weekend to get married on!

    Theresas last blog post..A Night at the Ballpark

  18. Corina says:

    What a sweet post and the photo is awesome!

    (My son wore black on black canvas Converse high tops to his prom. Chances are he’ll wear similar for his wedding.)

    Corinas last blog post..Beneath

  19. amuirin says:

    “Things improved.”

    Now thats romantic. Wishing you many more anniversaries with a similar summation.

    amuirins last blog post..Insidious Pussies

  20. yanjiaren says:

    That is absolutely beuatiful.I am engaged to a Lovely Chinese man and hope to have a proper Chinese wedding wearing Hanfu.

    yanjiarens last blog post..I sing to let off steam!

  21. meiyah says:

    aawww… such a lovely photo… nice one… congrats!

    meiyahs last blog post..Saint Francis Xavier Chapel

  22. jaynova says:


    Good job! Congrats!

    jaynovas last blog post..A very difficult august.

  23. Nomadic Matt says:

    I missed this and i know i am late but congrats on the anniversary!

    Nomadic Matts last blog post..The Saturday City: Chiang Mai

  24. marianne says:

    Beautiful bride, beautiful dress, beautiful photo, lucky Stevos. Congratulations, belatedly.

    mariannes last blog post..Counting Down

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